Ive been a male cheerleader now for 4 years and i get bullied constantly it doesnt bother me though, to me it just means that your insecure and you have problems when i first started cheering it was a secret for 2 years and no one knew,but i eventually didnt want to keep it a secret, i was proud of what i did, and i cant begin to tell you how many times i had to tumble in school to prove myself, plus its fun to show off haha :), but its sad because many people think that all guys that cheer are gay, and i have nothing against gay people, i give them alot of respect, recently i have been getting comments from my teacher! and its so annoying he knows im not gay and that i have a girlfriend but still bugs me about it, and embarsses me in front of my class, i stopped talking in that class and i think he got the message, whatever i guess you cant change some people. Point is this goes out to all the male cheerleaders gay or straight, dont hold back, dont keep secrets and most importantly dont be afraid to be you and be proud of what you do! I will and i know others will as well to represent allstar cheerleading to its best abilities.