HAHA PCMegan, we're getting old! I remember when Tori started on Pee-Wee's at RC CLub Cheer... there wasn't even levels 1-5. It was Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced, and the levels Pee-Wee, Youth, Jr. Prep, Junior, Sr. Prep, and Senior.
I can still remember Quakes- and Rhonda started BLAZE a short time after. Club Cheer Twisters (where Kiara started). VCSC, Supreme, Titan Elite, South Bay, Champion Cheer, Mavericks, Motions/Pyramids/720, RC Club Cheer, Bladez, High Desert, So Cal Elite, Airborne, Pride, TVS, Magic, Cal Surf, Power, West Coast, Platinum, American CCG, Cheerforce, Fierce, Ca Bullets... the sad part is most of these gyms are either not around anymore. Some have merged/bought out other programs. Lordy Iv just aged myself :p