OT Casey Anthony Trial

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I dont understand why the media chose this case out of all of the mother "murdering" their children cases. I personally think Casey killed her by accident and freaked out, waited 30 days then realized she should say something. No matter what happened, the whole story is a little sketchy. Caylee was a beautiful child and Casey will live with the guilt of knowing what happened to her the rest of her life. That alone is like imprisonment.
you're totally entitled to that opinion, but i just don't see how it could have been an accident...they found enough duct tape over her mouth to suffocate her, searches on her computer for chloroform and neck breaking, no remorse, tattoos, the smell of decomp in her trunk...it just doesn't add up to me.
i know it's the law, and it's bogus...stupidest thing ever.

and for the prosecution, i don't think that they did a very good job...but there was enough evidence and lies in my opinion that should have sent her to jail for the rest of her life.
Its there to protect most people though.
Their job, as has been said many times, is to leave NO doubt in the jurors mind that she did it. They didn't do that.
You cant convict a murderer based on a hunch :p
Its there to protect most people though.
Their job, as has been said many times, is to leave NO doubt in the jurors mind that she did it. They didn't do that.
You cant convict a murderer based on a hunch :p
to protect innocent people who were wrongly convicted is understandable. but for the fact that someone could present something such as a video of her killing her daughter and they couldn't convict her is beyond me.
All the lies she told though....that Caylee was kidnapped, then it was that she was with the nanny (who was a made up person) and then it was that the (fictitious) nanny kidnapped her.....it wasn't until the trial started that this "accidental drowning" story came out. If that was what truly happened, this would have played out differently. Why were there chloroform searches on the computer?

Know what else is interesting? Casey said that Caylee was with "her nanny, Zanny"..."Zanny" is a name for the drug Xanax, which will knock out a toddler....hmmm, was Casey drugging Caylee so she could go out and party? My guess is yes! Her parents were on her case about always leaving Caylee with them to babysit so she could go out....so she stopped leaving Caylee with them. She made up this babysitter named "Zanny" and was drugging Caylee with enough Xanax to knock her out for the night. Well, one night it was too much Zanny and she ODd. Casey panicked and dumped the body and continued on with her lying about where Caylee was. So, Caylee's death was accidental in that she wasn't murdered, but she was killed by her mother's stupid and atrocious actions.

Was there enough of Caley's body to prove that it was ingested? Or did they find any Xanax in her home, car, work, trash, etc?
I feel like the prosecution made a mistake by just pushing for muder 1. They could have made a much stronger case for murder 2. Casey was most likely chloroforming Caylee to put her to sleep so she could go out and party, and one night gave her too much chloroform and Casey came home to find her daughter dead. She panicked, buried the body, etc. Murder 2 is unintentional and due to the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life. Someone with concern for human life doesn't chloroform their child so they can go out and party....

Also, if I was Casey's father, after everything she said, she would definitely not be coming back home. She would be disowned and receiving no help.
to protect innocent people who were wrongly convicted is understandable. but for the fact that someone could present something such as a video of her killing her daughter and they couldn't convict her is beyond me.
Yep. But thats the prosecutor's fault, not the law.

Could a higher court take her to trial? Because I know the law says that they can be convicted on a state and federal level seperately.
you're totally entitled to that opinion, but i just don't see how it could have been an accident...they found enough duct tape over her mouth to suffocate her, searches on her computer for chloroform and neck breaking, no remorse, tattoos, the smell of decomp in her trunk...it just doesn't add up to me.
Oh no I agree that she knew what she was doing was deadly. Im not sure whether she was just trying to shut the kid up so she could party or if she went into it knowing she was murdering her child. Either way its sick
you're totally entitled to that opinion, but i just don't see how it could have been an accident...they found enough duct tape over her mouth to suffocate her, searches on her computer for chloroform and neck breaking, no remorse, tattoos, the smell of decomp in her trunk...it just doesn't add up to me.

Did the mom lie on the stand and say that she googled chloroform mistakeningly trying to find cholophyll or whatever it is that plants produce....

So for everyone saying that the death was accidental...Could you please explain to me why if the child died on accident and she did panic and cover it up...why would she go out partying, drinking, having threesomes, getting tattoos and literally living the childless life she wanted. You would think she'd at least lay low for a bit and then report it.

I'm just saying, she's not the first mother to kill her child(ren) and then regret it and make up a bs excuse....Hey Susan Smith.
Did the mom lie on the stand and say that she googled chloroform mistakeningly trying to find cholophyll or whatever it is that plants produce....

yep that's what she said...even though there was proof from the company she worked for that she was at the office working at the time those searches were made from her home.
no...she can NEVER be tried again..tragic
my mistake, i knew she couldn't be tried by the state again...but i thought i heard on the news last night that she could be taken to court on a higher level, but that they were almost positive that was not going to happen...i must have misunderstood.