King, how would either change effect you guys? if it were to have been applied to this seasons tryouts, would you have more teams, more large teams, turned kids away, potential level 5 kids leaving because there is no room on the team, possibly having multiple teams in the same division. Do you have the staff and gym capacity to handle adding extra teams?
For us, Last year we would have gone from 3 teams to 2 teams if it would have been changed to 24, large at 30 wouldn't have affected us. This year, neither would have majorly affected us as we are at 20, 24 and 16 with clear skill differences between the 3 teams. but I would prefer my team of 24 competing against 30 instead of 36.
I can't answer this 'for' Stingarys, but I can answer my best guess as to what we would do and why we would like it (so I am not speaking on behalf of Rays, but as a coach and to what I see).
The change from large to 30 would have some trickle down, but in the end I do not think we would lose that many athletes from our gym. We rarely if ever use crossovers ( I think there are 2 in the gym right now for all our teams). Smoke was overloaded with alternates because we had too many level 5 athletes for just Smoke and Orange. We also had a lot of level 5 ish athletes. Ones that might have a skill or two that are level 5, but not overall solid level 5 as they are still developing. We created Spice out of those athletes and made a Senior Open 5. It is not a full team and the numbers have waxed and waned a little bit over the summer. Those extra 6 athletes would have probably been placed on Spice or gone down to our 4 (which I believe is not full at the moment). So on the Sr. 4's and 5's not much would have changed ATM. We do have quite a few athletes that come in during the year and fill up teams, but we take them as a need basis or if we are looking for some (we might go out and 'farm' from all the high schools we coach and help with).
Sr. 3 is full and 6 athletes would have to move down. Our Sr. 3 is always full. Sr. 2 is not full and would take and become stronger with those lower end Sr. 3 kids (if they stayed).
Green is small and stays same. I think Jr. 4 is close to full so a few would drop down to Jr. 3 which is close to full which would drop down to Jr. 2which is not full.
I believe the same goes for Youth and Mini.
From tryouts to actual start of the season you might see a strong dip (kids/parents who come into our program not realizing the expectations put on them even if it they are a mini or level 1 athlete OR they are not happy about their placement) or strong rise (kids not happy with how things are going at their current program who visit us to check us out). There could be a large swing either way.
If we are lacking in numbers (usually 1 - 3) that is when you turn to class kids and try to encourage them to do allstars. 4's and 5's its not quite as simple, and might be a high school kid or you might compete under the max.
So long story short, if large were 30 I think our gym would have had a possible 10 kid swing.
The benefits I think is because we have so many large teams and compete in large divisions we would have more competition. More often than not teams will go small or add 1 boy to avoid us because they feel they would only have a modicum amount of kids that make them large and they could not compete against us when our numbers are greater.
24 would be a completely different story. Shifting 12 kids for each divisions and getting rid of a division (small) I think would be a much harsher change. Though I would agree it would provide tons of competition. I think the possibility of 24, if it is really the best answer, would need a stair step to get there. If you make large 30, keep small, you can see how much your numbers change. If all signs point to 24 being the smarter solution, then 3 years from now I think it could be put forth and voted and people would have a better understanding of how to get to 24.
The reason 30 makes the most sense for large is it is psychologically the next step from 20 that allows for growth BUT doesnt make 21 athletes seem like they cant compete. You can have at most 8 group stunts (excluding 2 mans obviously) in the air. You can have at most 5 group stunts in the air with small. 6 stunts currently on large does not seem competitive, BUT would feel competitive against a max of 8 stunts.
Also you would have 2 extra spots for that great tumbler but weak stunter. 30 kids means there is more chances someone will get hurt or quit. Now you have a bit of backup.
Is that a good answer?