I'm gonna dust the cobwebs off my keyboard and weigh in on this VERY briefly... I have not read the board in a long time and this is a big thread so I'm just gonna throw out some quick points.
First off I will say that I will be VERY shocked if we go straight from 20/36 to one division of 24! Regardless of what the writing on the wall is right now or what particular brand of grease today's squeaky wheel is looking for, in the end I don't see the final decision makers taking that leap just yet. I respect everyones opinion on the matter, but that is my own particular gut feeling
Someone asked if a number change would also change the teams we tend to see winning major comps. I will say that is a big no... There are tons of great coaches out there and there are some other factor that contribute but the reason you see the same gyms at or near the top on a consistent basis has more to do with a good system and great coaching than anything else! I have traveled all over this country working with cheerleaders of every level and every background and I will tell you kids are all the same (slightly more polite in the south) it's who has the ability to motivate and train them, and exploit a score sheet! The UCLA basketball team didn't go from a losing record to 10 NCAA titles and 4 undefeated seasons because Bill Walton and Lewis Alcindor Junior went there, those guys went there because John Wooden was creating champions out of average athletes (it happens all the time feel free to fill in one of many other iconic coaches, that just happens to be my favorite)
Someone asked how it would effect OUR gym... I will say, rather definitively, that a switch to 20/30 would change our gym very little, the lower end of each team would trickle down and we would probably make one small team large or create another team somewhere but I am confident we would not have to cut anyone... A change to 24 across the board would be more difficult (and less desirable IMO) but we would probably spread boys around a little more and have LOTS of divisions with a 24 person all girl team and a 24 person coed team, again I don't think we would really have to turn away many/any kids... I don't mean to speak for our whole program but I don't think anyone would really disagree when I say it is way more important to us that other gyms grow and we have lots of teams to compete against
Last thing, I feel like sometimes we think that the current standard of 20/36 has always been "the way" and it would be blasphemy to change it, but in reality the division sizes have been almost as dynamic as the rules! Now I'm only 26 and I recognize that there have been MANY people involved in this sport MUCH longer than me, but even I have seen the numbers go from unlimited to 40 to 35, to 36... The industry is still trying to find that sweet spot.
Very few changes in life are permanent, be the champion of whatever your particular cause is, but a change to 24, or 20/30 or no change at all will not be the END of the sport or the sport as we know it, some will have more dramatic short term impacts and other will be more noticeable over a longer period of time, but the system is set up to evolve and can continue to change if the next model isn't what's best