CEA was 100 kids when we started and Greensboro and Charlotte cleaned our clocks with regularity. Actually, we started in Clemmons NC in a gym called the Dazzlers (about 60 kids) for 2 years, getting our clock cleaned at every competition. I remember the 1st year in Cheersport in 98, "at a big competition like this, 8th is as good as first with 9 teams in the division". I've been there before McLovin, even with Courtney. That said, it's not the point. It appears the majority of smaller gyms feel that by restricting choices in the larger gyms, you can level the playing field and improve competition and participation, and from what I hear, larger gyms that may surprise you feel the same way. You may be right, but CheerSport is the biggest, most lucrative comptetion in the world with more divisions and more choice of athletes per team, in other words, more choice and less restriction. The market seems to say yes to choice.