I just love everything about this. The producers are doing such a great job.
The Smoed Show could have made 10 episodes out of this episode of C:FU. At least 3 would have been about the legality issue :rolleyes: And it would've been way over the top.
After watching this show for a while, I love how laid back the show is. Everytime theres an issue, they show how calmly it is handled and how the team moves on. The Smoed Show was like a whirl wind of blame, frustration, anger, disappointment, etc. Like one little thing would go wrong and they would just catastrophize everything after that. it was exhausting to see over and over and to keep up with, to be honest. C:FU is a breathe of fresh air and I am in love with everything about it.
Side note: I loved the orange varsity bid winner shirts when I first saw the 2D design and I love them even more when I see them on actual people. Whoever made those did a great job. The clean and appropriate design, the color, the fact that it looks good on everyone. They're perfect. They literally scream "fun in the sun" to me which is so Worlds. I really wish I could buy one. (Not so I can buy it just to have it. But because I'd literally wear it everyday of my life. I am so in love with them.)