I stack pony elastics. Separate the poof. Tie up the rest of the hair in one elastic, then stack another on top of that. Do the pouf and then use another elastic to secure it to the pony tail. Then separate the front third of the pony tail and flip it forward, and tie the back two thirds up in another mini pony tail. I stack another three elastics on top of each other, and this two thirds is the part of the pony I tease a lot at the elastics but not the ends of the hair. Then the front third I tease a tiny bit at the base of the anchoring elastics. This little bit of tease is hidden by the bow. Sometimes I pin the tease into a little nest (scrunch or fold the tease into a lump) just so it doesn't collapse between doing it and performing. The nest pins usually fall out in warm ups and then I just fluff it up on deck.
I'll upload a photo from my computer later (if I remember…)