Hey guys, Adam from CheerLIVE! I really want to answer everyone's questions and REALLY appreciate yalls support from the people who are posting answers already. Ive got to make this quick because I am all over the place today!
MAJORS webcast is NOT AVAILABLE until 7pm CST, The show starts at 8 pm CST
Elite memberships include BOTH events, JAMFEST and the MAJORS.
To just view the MAJORS create a FREE Allstars account FIRST, then click the live webcast tab under the home page video. Then you have options of either JAMFEST $10 webcast or The Majors $10 webcast. We had to split the events due to JAMFEST request of making them 2 different events because JAMFEST is free to watch in person while its $10/$25 to watch the MAJORS! Trust me we originally planned to keep it all for $10 but JAM basically demanded us to separate the events!
I gotta go to keep working on uploading videos for VOD, but I will be back to try and answer more question in about 30 minutes!
THANK YOU to all who signed up today! I greatly appreciate it, hope your CheerLIVE experience is wonderful!