All-Star Cheer! Mini Allstars On Lifetime Tv

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Oops...too late to edit. I am glad they didn't do Mini 3--for the same reason started earlier about Youth 5, too out of touch for most people in and out of cheer. I would have liked to see a good strong Mini 2 though (Fame Super Models? :D). I did like the kids on the show a lot--but i love mini's. Just that one mom was too much for me (Mackenzie's mom I think).
did you read what cheermomma said? this is crazy and trying to make a CHILD famous just because they are cheerleaders is SHAMEFUL!!! If the parents wanted stardom they should get their children into acting where "getting mobbed" is to be expected. yes there are a lot more WORSE things a parent can do. But to subject your children to this, take the fun out of cheerleading, have your child have no say, (like an 8 year old knows what a facebook is) all because of cheerleading...this makes me very angry! Its pathetic and selfish! At least Maddie and Erica were old enough to decide what they wanted but these children are 7 and 8 years old.
Why do the parents in cheerleading have to go over the boundaries and take everything to the limit? You dont see this type of stuff happening in any other sport. I would love if cheerleading could just be "normal" I would hate to see someone getting hurt because of CRAZY parents taking things a little too far

i sure did read what she said...hence the quote to watch again this morning because my kids were asleep when this was on last night. Another thing I noticed this morning was that they seem to have mingled the coach talking to/about Senior 5 and then they'd cut to the Minis. So it looked like he was talking about the Mini's when he was talking about an older team. I don't think the Mini's are doing tucks and double downs, but they sure tried to make it sound like that's what he said! And I said this in another thread, and I'll say it again. I don't think for a hot second that those Mini's are in that gym for 12 hours a week. Maaayyyybe the seniors, but no way is a Mini team practicing 12 hours a week.
I agree, I have seen posts about where Maddie and Erica's parents don't LOVE all this...but in @amanda 's defense, I don't think she's saying Maddie and Erica are recommending this...just that these Mini parents want it. I know PLENTY of cheer moms that think their kids should be famous like Erica and Maddie, without taking time to think if they reeeeally want that. I totally agree with her--Facebook pages for Mini aged kids is ridiculous and dangerous. There's a reason you have to be 13 to even get a Facebook (per their rules), and it's not so that your parents can get you one when you're 8. I would NOT want total strangers liking my kid enough that they want to "like" her on Facebook. Sorry, it's just my opinion, but I am against this.
I'd just like to remind those parents who may be lurking, about what fame did to Drew Barrymore at age 13. And then reconsider..yikes.
To address the kids having "facebooks": they are not like regular pages, they are just "fan" pages. Just put up to have a place to say nice things to the kids if you felt like it. The kids don't run them. The parents and coaches do. So when the comments are made, they are relayed to the children. I personally don't see any harm in them. If ya don't "like" it, then you don't have to "like" it. :)
On another note, I always tell people mini 1 is where the crazy is! It's a lot of 1st time cheer parents and they easily get caught up in winning and what their child is doing compared to other kids.

LOL I totally agree. Although I think its the Level 1 parents period. I have to be honest, anytime a level 1 team practices at the same time as either of my daughter's teams I can barely stand to sit in the parent viewing area. I know that sounds terrible but they usually drive me NUTS for 2 solid hours HAHAH!!!
Until a show about allstars is controlled by someone who actually has a clue, I'm afraid this is what you get. Just as on Toddlers and Tiaras, the producers are looking for people they can exploit and make look foolish or witchy or stage mom or whatever - admittedly with many parents wholehearted cooperation:confused:. .
Great post! I really hope this show does NOT get picked up. And I hope nobody else would sign up for one. As some have mentioned, personally I found it kind of boring, but mostly annoying because of, as others have said, some of the sensationalized and stupid comments made by the ppl.

I'm sure the gyms thought it was a great idea. Get some exposure and publicity for the gym, and the sport itself. But somewhere in the back of their minds they have to be thinking they just shot themselves in the foot. I can't say if they had any creative control over the show. My guess is no. If you have to do creative editing to conjure up drama or sensationilze things to make it interesting, then it probably shouldn't be a show to begin with.

The only thing I found entertaining was Ivy. She was absolutely cute. The whole Ivy time, or real time, was pretty funny; but the part about donating to hairless dogs was priceless!
Until a show about allstars is controlled by someone who actually has a clue, I'm afraid this is what you get. Just as on Toddlers and Tiaras, the producers are looking for people they can exploit and make look foolish or witchy or stage mom or whatever - admittedly with many parents wholehearted cooperation:confused:. As someone stated earlier, yes editing can make something look worse, but the raw material has to be there in the first place. If they don't find drama, they will try to create it. Seriously, no one cares if that 17 year old last week got to drive to a party-I wanted to see cheer practices and comps - I don't care what goes on at home. The one exception for me was Hayden - given that this is a problem that boys in cheer have - many "friends" make fun of them and sometimes even fathers don't support them. I thought it appropriate to highlight the situation he was dealing with and the coach's talk with him. He was adorable, but the producers exploited him too - there was no reason to include his quoting his mom about Midwest being "the enemy". Most all gyms and coaches encourage a respectful attitude towards other gyms, it is what is the best thing for the industry as a whole and it is the proper example to give to the cps, but tv wants conflict and where none can be found will try to stir the pot. (I wonder if the gym owners were given any editing priviledges.)
The bottom line IMO is that this show was not created for those of us involved in cheer - they want to make it entertaining for those who are clueless and just want to make fun of cheer because of their preconceived notions of what allstar is. This could have been a show to educate those not involved in just how much work and dedication is required to be an allstar. It could have been both entertaining and enlightening. But I do not believe that was the point. I am afraid the motivation was more closely related to that behind Toddlers and Tiaras. Who after watching T&T would want to admit they take part in pageants given the slanted view that is presented. (And yes, I know there are people here who participate,my point is I feel confident they are not like the parents portrayed.)
Will my daughter and I continue to watch if the shows are picked up? - we'll probably give the shows at least one more try each.
In for a penny, in for a pound - I do think it inappropriate for children as young as minis' to have a facebook page so people can "follow" them - way too creeper friendly.

This is exactly the fear that I had when I saw this show was going to air (see page 1 of this thread), and your thoughts are almost exactly the same as mine on this. This, IMO, turned into a cheer version of Toddlers & Tiaras. I don't know anyone portrayed on this show personally, but I have on T&T (having been a pageant mom myself) and editing can do a lot to make people look bad, even if the raw comments are there. We don't know what was being asked of these parents when they were interviewed and how it may have later been edited into the show completely out of context. I hope this is actually what happened (and that the parents didn't really make some of those horrifying comments) and that this show does not get picked up for a full season.

I pride myself on being neither a crazy cheer mom nor a crazy pageant mom, and some of the comments on the show last night really made me cringe.
I'm really disappointed with this show. I thought it could of been so much better! It did have the potential to be like toddlers and tiaras, because in reality, little girls usually curl their hair and wear big show make up. Some even do get the spray tans and nails where I'm from!
I'd just like to remind those parents who may be lurking, about what fame did to Drew Barrymore at age 13. And then reconsider..yikes.

Macaulay Culkin, Danny Bonaduce, half the cast of Celebrity Rehab...
Ok here's my take:

1. MWM and Step 1 are FANTASTIC!!! The kids are super cute and seem to be very dedicated to cheer! Hayden is already showing potential to be an amazing cheerleader as is Kenzie. Wish the bullies would leave Hayden alone though. I thought it was great that the coach talked to him about it to make sure he was handling it ok.

2. it brought back memories of my cp when she was on minis...kinda miss those days sometimes

3. Ok this one might be a little harsh but it's just my opinion. The kids rocked. the parents, however, took it a little too far. Now i don't know if it was the editing but some of the comments made me do a double take. (made me wish i had Tivo to make sure i heard them correctly)
a. "she's a winner because she has a six pack. she has no fat on her body" she's 8!!! Of course she doesn't
have "fat" on her body. Yes she is VERY talented but you just sounded foolish.
b. "our gym has made it a point to teach these kids that winning is EVERYTHING" WHAT?! omg!!!
that threw me for a HUGE loop.
c. "my mommy told me that MWM is our enemy" comment
d. "even the poor people were giving us $100 bills" almost everything has got to
be very hard. i am blessed in the fact that i have not had to face anything of this magnitude.
...some people need filters.

so yeah, I really and truly enjoyed watching those kids perform. Adorable! But i say again...some people just need filters. just sayin.
I think i enjoyed watching Jersey Cheer better.

These are MY opinions only...please don't hate me for them lol.

I think you completly summed up exactly how I felt about the show. I just wish reality TV would accentuate the positive stuff we see coming out of our gyms every day, every paractice, every competition. Instead they make cheer moms look like freaks, and turns potential new cheer families away from the sport. Its not all rainbows and sunshine, every moment, but all stars produces confident, focused and fantastic kids, and are home to some of the best families I have had the pleasure to meet.
Jersey Cheer was definately the better show out of the two........ Mini's tried to show some of the crazy year 1 or 2 moms more than the hard work put into cheerleading (while the kids were cute, it just didnt cut it for me). I feel like at least the other pilot showed how cheerleading was being used to turn young ladies into strong young women.
all i can say is that ive never seen mini coaches so caught up in winning, and that maybe 5 out of 50 cheer moms are as determined and "crazy" as the two mothers on the show. most cheer parents are completely normal & do what they do because they love their children and want them to be happy!
did you read what cheermomma said? this is crazy and trying to make a CHILD famous just because they are cheerleaders is SHAMEFUL!!! If the parents wanted stardom they should get their children into acting where "getting mobbed" is to be expected. yes there are a lot more WORSE things a parent can do. But to subject your children to this, take the fun out of cheerleading, have your child have no say, (like an 8 year old knows what a facebook is) all because of cheerleading...this makes me very angry! Its pathetic and selfish! At least Maddie and Erica were old enough to decide what they wanted but these children are 7 and 8 years old.
Why do the parents in cheerleading have to go over the boundaries and take everything to the limit? You dont see this type of stuff happening in any other sport. I would love if cheerleading could just be "normal" I would hate to see someone getting hurt because of CRAZY parents taking things a little too far

Calm down there killa! It's not playboy. it's facebook. acounts can be deleted. and 8 year old DO know what facebook is. It's a fanpage not an actually facebook acount. They don't actually have contact with strange people on their page. All of my children have facebooks so that they can keep in contact with their family all over the country. However, i monitor it on a regular basis as i do with their cell phone. I think you're taking it a bit too far. What's the difference between having a facebook fan page and being featured in a cheer magazine or competition program? absolutely nothing in my opinion.

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