I prefer Jersey Cheer. When I saw the first post about Cheer Mini Allstars, I got the same feeling when I found out about Toddlers & tiaras.....this is not going to be good....The only dereference between the two is that toddlers & tiaras is pretty feet and pageant dresses and cheer mini allstars is cartwheels and uniforms . While JC put all of the focus on the girls and Patty Ann, CMA, put little or no focus on the kids, tons of focus on the crazy moms. Anytime shows involve kids under 12, the worst comes out of everyone....
Now with the facebook pages, I don't think kids under the age of 13, should have facebook pages. My daughter is well over the age limit and I know her password for her facebook account. And that whole argument about letting your kids "connect" with family & friends over the country is baloney to me. If your family & friends want to keep up with your 9 year old, then let them keep up with them on your page. And I seriously doubt that your 2nd cousin,wants to know what little Susie is doing every day or wants them flooding their news feed with game post. Facebook has a age limit for a reason, and there are sites out there for young kids and those are the sites kids should be on. You can only make a page only so private and anyone who has a bit time and computer knowledge can hack a page and find out more about a minor child, than you can imagine. Ok, off my soap box...:)