All-Star Cheer! Mini Allstars On Lifetime Tv

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I have to admit that the dance was a bit much for a Mini team but Ive seen
Here is a youtube video of a team from Va that I believe won BATC I questioned the appropriatness of their dance... Gotta hand it to them though.. They work it out...

that dance was extremely inappropriate! wow they just never stopped booty shaking...
Calm down there killa! It's not playboy. it's facebook. acounts can be deleted. and 8 year old DO know what facebook is. It's a fanpage not an actually facebook acount. They don't actually have contact with strange people on their page. All of my children have facebooks so that they can keep in contact with their family all over the country. However, i monitor it on a regular basis as i do with their cell phone. I think you're taking it a bit too far. What's the difference between having a facebook fan page and being featured in a cheer magazine or competition program? absolutely nothing in my opinion.

my point exactly. its all the parents. did the parents make these pages because the kids are celebrities and have lots of fans? did they make them to help boost their up and coming movie? NO these parents took a situation that didn't exist and are trying to get something out of it. I am so happy that the boy is in elementary school or there would be some SERIOUS online bullying going on rite now!

a fan page for a child thats on an allstar team is just ridiculous
I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I remember all the cameras. Our minis were shown and I was even told my rear end made a cameo. Can't wait to watch!
IMO I thought this gave all stars a bad name. Idk about anyone else but felt it was very inappropriate when the mother said something along the lines "my child is a winner, she has a 6 pack and not an ounce of fat on her body" what does that have to do with anything? ... I liked the jersey cheer much better, even though Patti Ann might have said some inappropriate comments (which I found comical) It showed the competitive side. I think if the coaches where on the show more instead of the kids parents I would have been a little better. I did like though how the coach spoke with the little boy and told him to ignore the bully's! My brother is a cheerleader and gets some slack for it @ school I'm always telling him to ignore it just like the coach had said. I thought it was good for him to see he's not the only one! Other then that though i was not very impressed.
my point exactly. its all the parents. did the parents make these pages because the kids are celebrities and have lots of fans? did they make them to help boost their up and coming movie? NO these parents took a situation that didn't exist and are trying to get something out of it. I am so happy that the boy is in elementary school or there would be some SERIOUS online bullying going on rite now!

a fan page for a child thats on an allstar team is just ridiculous

No it was my point, yours totally contradicts what I was saying. There are fan pages for all walks of life. I was simply saying it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be. Our gym has us sign a waiver saying that our child may be photographed/and or recorded. Is it ridiculous that some kids' pics show up on competition websites, flyers, banners, commercials,videos, magazines...etc.? No I didn't think so. In FACT! The facebook fan page is actually SAFER than all that I've listed above. How so you ask? Because it can be monitored on content. The fan page also allows the creator to block and/or delete users that may be abusers of the page or someone that might give the mommies and daddies the heeby jeebys. There is NO control however over who's hands any of the above mentioned material may land. Makes you think doesn't it? We just recently competed at the US Finals in Virginia Beach. How many of you were there? Now out of those that attended, how many of you knew there was a registered sex offender present? Exactly. I knew but not many others did. So while I can't ID and do a background check on every person in attendance at a comp, I CAN (if the proper name is used on fb) check on the people becoming "fans" of my cp's fb page.

Having a fb fanpage is no more dangerous than walking into an arena full of thousands of spectators. In fact it's less dangerous.
We just recently competed at the US Finals in Virginia Beach. How many of you were there? Now out of those that attended, how many of you knew there was a registered sex offender present? Exactly. I knew but not many others did.
:eek: I think I just threw up a little bit. How did you know this??? This IS my biggest fear. I'm like a hawk with my daughter, because I'm always afraid of this exact thing happening. UGH!!!!!!!
We just recently competed at the US Finals in Virginia Beach. How many of you were there? Now out of those that attended, how many of you knew there was a registered sex offender present? Exactly. I knew but not many others did.

I knew....I remember that thread, and have never forgotten all that happened.
Having a fb fanpage is no more dangerous than walking into an arena full of thousands of spectators. In fact it's less dangerous.
I would just like to remind parents to be extra careful about fan pages, because unlike ACTUAL facebook pages (which I'm not cool with either under the age of 13. If a parent has one and supervises a child while they talk to relatives on their parents, eehh I suppose. Why not just get skype, it's free! Kids that young DON'T need a facebook and you can't protect them if they're on it when you're not home!) CAN'T block the information that's posted on it from being viewed by EVERYONE, at least not to my knowledge. I looked at Hayden's, just to see (and I didn't 'like' his fan page), and I can see every post made on that page (one being one of my cheer moms!), I can access whatever info is put up. I can already tell what city he lives in and by the website listed, I could possibly find out when his team practices and..well, you can figure out how it goes from there. YES you can block them IF they become 'fans', but if they don't, they can STILL access that information. What if somebody mentions something more personal?

I get wanting to share your child's experiences with the world, and it's a heady thing to be known/know you're being viewed and 'making friends' with people from ALL over the country and the world. Some things, in my opinion, aren't always worth the risk. You're putting a lot of faith in a company that can NEVER be held responsible..

(I only quoted you because you were the most recent post about fanpages! :D)
I loved the show. I enjoyed both of them actually.... maybe they could do a 1/2 hour of each back to back to fill the 10-11pm time slot?
If a child is not old enough to have their own facebook (yes facebook has age restrictions) then I do NOT think that a parent should make a "fan" page for that child. The fan pages for the CEA girls creep me out enough so imagine how bad it is when the athlete is on a mini team. It is kind of the reason I do not like watching shows that deal with children and their parents putting them on TV like that. I feel like at times it is exploiting them (not always). The facebook thing in my opinion is creepy (remember the thread about the perverted guy stealing cheer pictures not too long ago). Just another reason I think facebook should have stayed a place for college kids and older.

I also do not understand why an athlete that is on mini team is working kick doubles? Did I read a post right that said the athlete was on a Senior team or did I completely read it wrong?

As far as the rest of the show everyone else has pretty much said the thoughts I had so there isn't much left to say. Not a fan of the show. Love that they are doing what they love to do but I don't feel they need a show on lifetime to do that.
If a child is not old enough to have their own facebook (yes facebook has age restrictions) then I do NOT think that a parent should make a "fan" page for that child. The fan pages for the CEA girls creep me out enough so imagine how bad it is when the athlete is on a mini team. It is kind of the reason I do not like watching shows that deal with children and their parents putting them on TV like that. I feel like at times it is exploiting them (not always). The facebook thing in my opinion is creepy (remember the thread about the perverted guy stealing cheer pictures not too long ago). Just another reason I think facebook should have stayed a place for college kids and older.

I also do not understand why an athlete that is on mini team is working kick doubles? Did I read a post right that said the athlete was on a Senior team or did I completely read it wrong?

As far as the rest of the show everyone else has pretty much said the thoughts I had so there isn't much left to say. Not a fan of the show. Love that they are doing what they love to do but I don't feel they need a show on lifetime to do that.

well said!
I prefer Jersey Cheer. When I saw the first post about Cheer Mini Allstars, I got the same feeling when I found out about Toddlers & tiaras.....this is not going to be good....The only dereference between the two is that toddlers & tiaras is pretty feet and pageant dresses and cheer mini allstars is cartwheels and uniforms . While JC put all of the focus on the girls and Patty Ann, CMA, put little or no focus on the kids, tons of focus on the crazy moms. Anytime shows involve kids under 12, the worst comes out of everyone....
Now with the facebook pages, I don't think kids under the age of 13, should have facebook pages. My daughter is well over the age limit and I know her password for her facebook account. And that whole argument about letting your kids "connect" with family & friends over the country is baloney to me. If your family & friends want to keep up with your 9 year old, then let them keep up with them on your page. And I seriously doubt that your 2nd cousin,wants to know what little Susie is doing every day or wants them flooding their news feed with game post. Facebook has a age limit for a reason, and there are sites out there for young kids and those are the sites kids should be on. You can only make a page only so private and anyone who has a bit time and computer knowledge can hack a page and find out more about a minor child, than you can imagine. Ok, off my soap box...:)
I vote to bring back Jersey Cheer!!! I loved that one and Cheer Mini Allstars was ok... kinda too much like Toddlers and Tiaras for me especially since nothing could be Toddlers and Tiaras! Plus it made the girls and Moms look like crazy people. What i really liked was PLAYDATES before Cheer mini allstars!!!! It was like the Hills or Laguna Beach for Toddlers and soo funny! Which reminds me i want another Laguna Beach/Newport Harbor show, come on MTV!!!

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