So we finally got a chance to sit down and watch it this afternoon before I had to leave for work and drop cp at the gym. It looks like a T&T job all the way, even down to the font they use for the subtitles. More then once cp said "Thank you for not being that psycho mom!"
1. Having your mini 1 child practice from 5pm-? at night, with private lessons 3 days a week? That would be why she has a tuck and can do college level skills (btw why?) If my kid was in the gym 25 HOURS a week she would be phenomenal as well. Now compare that to Level5mom's cp who is just raw talent and doesnt have to take a million private lessons. Lady your kid isn't the next Kiara, you just throw money at a gym that is mre then happy to take it.
2. If your house burns down...reprioritze your life....especially if your dh loses his job. I'm not impressed that your cp didn't miss any practices, what it does is make me wonder about is where your priorities are.
3. The six pack comment....are you kidding me? Your kid is 8 years old, if she doesn't have some kind of body fat on her, its not healthy.
4. How about you work on her basics? Like a good backwalkover? Or maybe landing her BHS without her feet a city block apart?
I really had high hopes for the show but it seemed to me to be more about "Let's see how crazy these cheer moms really are!" Oh and the showing Step 1 as a "rich" gym and then Magic as a "poor" one was sad. There was just so much wrong with it, but guess what? It will probably be the one picked up...there is a reason why T&T has been going for 3 seasons now...people LOVE LOVE LOVE the crazy!