Ok buddy- you wanna be an a** so be it. Sounds to me like you WANT for me report you and cheer music in general. Shall I ask someone high on the food chain for a formal letter/email, etc. that I can post here for clarification?! Because I certainly will if you'd like.. Would everyone like that and be satisfied if I just go ahead and get the ball running and report cheer producers' music since YOU are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you're correct?! Of course the fact that my father is in the radio and music industry some 30 plus years and I can list numerous famous producers, artists, DJ's, and a record company he's invested in with one of his long-standing employees, etc must mean that everything that comes out of my mouth must come from Wikipedia? Ok David, keep
Telling yourself and doing whatever makes your day feel worthwhile You sure seem to have a lot of time on your hands for such a busy music producer.
*there's some good drama for people the ppl itt waiting w/the popcorn in hand. Now I'll sit back and have myself some in case anyone wants to continue this convo in this elementary style fashion*
Reading comprehension > you
And sounds like someone needs anger management classes. Settle down Beavis.. No seriously you're really tightly wound- you need to go to your happy place or something.