Cheer Perfection, Wrap Up Of First Season And New Season

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This is why i found myself on the Fierceboards less and less, everyone who has been on here a while is very quick to judge and i'm not suprised if newbies get scared away, its a forum online not something you are going to die over, If someone asks a silly question (for example) 50 of ya'll do not need to come and attack, agree or not it is a form of cyber bullying. This person who started the topic is not asking you for advice on how to run the gym, if they didn't know how to run a gym CTR would of closed along time ago, i assume the point of this topic is asking how to make the show appeal to a wider audience. (RANT AIMED AT THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD)

I agree that maybe somethings related to cheer could be portrayed a little better on here however, the producers aren't the presidents of USASF therefore they are new to cheerleading just as CTR are new to reality tv. Cheer on CMT and cheerleaders online are great shows for portraying cheerleading, however TLC specialises in reality drama, cheer has not be renewed for a new season (as far as i know don't quote me i could be wrong) but i can pretty much imagine the main audience were already allstar cheerleaders. Cheer perfectiom has a wider audience because of the entertainment factor, the producers did not set out to create a documentary, thats what needs to be understood here. (And for all those questioning about the reality factor, no reality shows are filmed realisticly then edited in the exact order, a lot of it has been manipulated in all shows)

Reference: studied media for 3 going on 4 years.

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While you may have a point with your rant, a coach of the gym did come on here asking for our thoughts and though maybe a few were off topic, we expressed what we would like to see and in some cases what we thought of how they portrays themselves and the industry and suggested they search the boards for other links already discussing the show to get
and idea of how they are perceived.

Bottom line is we would like to see a more realistic show with less drama. Unfortunately it seems in order for them to appeal to a wider audience they will alienate the industry that gives them the opportunity to have a gym and show.
This is why i found myself on the Fierceboards less and less, everyone who has been on here a while is very quick to judge and i'm not suprised if newbies get scared away, its a forum online not something you are going to die over, If someone asks a silly question (for example) 50 of ya'll do not need to come and attack, agree or not it is a form of cyber bullying. This person who started the topic is not asking you for advice on how to run the gym, if they didn't know how to run a gym CTR would of closed along time ago, i assume the point of this topic is asking how to make the show appeal to a wider audience. (RANT AIMED AT THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD)

I agree that maybe somethings related to cheer could be portrayed a little better on here however, the producers aren't the presidents of USASF therefore they are new to cheerleading just as CTR are new to reality tv. Cheer on CMT and cheerleaders online are great shows for portraying cheerleading, however TLC specialises in reality drama, cheer has not be renewed for a new season (as far as i know don't quote me i could be wrong) but i can pretty much imagine the main audience were already allstar cheerleaders. Cheer perfectiom has a wider audience because of the entertainment factor, the producers did not set out to create a documentary, thats what needs to be understood here. (And for all those questioning about the reality factor, no reality shows are filmed realisticly then edited in the exact order, a lot of it has been manipulated in all shows)

Reference: studied media for 3 going on 4 years.

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Thanks for educating me. Before your post I had not realized that responding to a post on a forum with anything but support for the original poster was cyber bullying.
Sarcasm aside -
We understand that it is reality tv, and not a documentary.
We understand that the producers manipulate things to an extent (as seen last night when they showed CTR athletes throwing tucks and punchfronts in warmups for Youth Silver).
We also understand that this is being attempted to be passed off as a real, non-fabricated Level 2 team to a tv audience that enjoys viewing drama, and I can't help but take offense that my child's sport is being portrayed to the general public in this way.

I felt we did give constructive advice on how to make the show appeal to an audience wider than the typical TLC viewing audience. It was just perhaps not the advice that the OP wanted to read.
Okay so I have a problem whenever a newbie comes on and starts one of these hot mess threads and disappears - again I question is this really a coach from CTR.

Okay I will not be snarky. I will give you honest input as a cheer mom and mother to young girls.

1) My children will never be allowed to watch this show. It is not about cheer and what the girls go through and the building of a team in every sense of the word. I do however allow my children to watch the CMT show after I have watched it and it is on DVR. That show focused on the hard work and the building of a team. That show inspires my girls and entertains them at the same time. It has good values. It focuses on hard work and puts high expectations on the girls. Problems are aired and solutions are handled with hands on coaching and a no nonsense rule on the parents. Could that happen with younger girls - yes. Should it be aired on TV. I think there is enough pressure on young children doing this sport and perhaps televising the process and putting those pressures on young kids would not be best for them.

2) We moms have enough issues without these moms being the model of the cheer mom- tell your parents to behave like grown ups and represent your gym with class. If it isn't nice tell them not to say it and to follow the golden rule. Can parents get perturb yes - it happens - but seriously name calling and backstabbing and gossip only reflects negatively on them. And as a parent there is no way I would ever bring my child to a gym where that is the atmosphere. TOXIC. You want some mom stuff fine but keep it classy and if a mom can't then get rid of them at least for filming. They have become a joke and personally I feel sorry for them (even the nondrama ones who are on it because they have been lumped in with this group).

3) Quit making a bigger deal about small competitions. They are not worlds or Summit and yes they are important but making it sound like more than it is comes off a little bit like you don't know better. Working hard doing your best going for the win regardless of the size of the competition is fine.

4) I feel sorry because in a way you have made your bed and now you have to lie in it. I appreciate the desire to make some change but you signed on for a train wreck and now have it. People who do not like seeing the sport represented as such have a hard time trusting that change will occur and your regular viewers really don't want to see the changes we would like - they want the train wreck. I don't see how you will be able to make the needed changes and keep your current viewers and pull in new ones who really want to see a quality cheer program. I think your thread was made to try to get us to give it a chance and I think for many it would equal a fail. I watched some and was unimpressed and sadden at your lack of leadership in developing a true team mentality. You have had your 15 minutes of fame and this show needs to fade away. I am sorry but you honestly asked and I am trying to honestly respond as an avid tv viewer and cheer mom.

5) I hope you take a step back and look at your gym and look at how the adult attitudes effect the children's behavior and ability to work as a team. The kids behavior only shows what they are seeing at home and in the gym. Respect for yourself and others - from what I saw EVERYONE at CTR needs to work on this a lot.
I tried to watch it. But it's boring! So I'm watching an old episode of cold case instead.

But just to one I know says HAM to mean hot a-- mess. HAM means hard as a m-----r f-er, doesn't it? Just so y'all know (in case you hear/see your kids saying it), when kids say it online that's what it means. ;)

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I only ever knew HAM as hot booty mess.........didn't know the other one

Lol. I learned it from @Mamarazzi 's cp. :p She posted "Going HAM on these fruit loops" on facebook once, and ever since then I can't see fruit loops without thinking about it. I don't know why.

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I only ever knew HAM as hot booty mess.........didn't know the other one
As per Urban Dictionary:
Ham stands for: hard as a motherf**ker. Therefore, this word is easily defined as "going hard as a motherf**ker".
(I was curious, wanted to see if both definitions were listed. There were other ones but not 'hot a$$ mess'. I personally like the versatility.)
As per Urban Dictionary:
Ham stands for: hard as a motherf**ker. Therefore, this word is easily defined as "going hard as a motherf**ker".
(I was curious, wanted to see if both definitions were listed. There were other ones but not 'hot a$$ mess'. I personally like the versatility.)

Oh my gosh you typed out so much more of it than I did!!! :oops: I was trying to use as few letters as possible so as to protect my sweet innocent image.
This is why i found myself on the Fierceboards less and less, everyone who has been on here a while is very quick to judge and i'm not suprised if newbies get scared away, its a forum online not something you are going to die over, If someone asks a silly question (for example) 50 of ya'll do not need to come and attack, agree or not it is a form of cyber bullying. This person who started the topic is not asking you for advice on how to run the gym, if they didn't know how to run a gym CTR would of closed along time ago, i assume the point of this topic is asking how to make the show appeal to a wider audience. (RANT AIMED AT THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD)

I agree that maybe somethings related to cheer could be portrayed a little better on here however, the producers aren't the presidents of USASF therefore they are new to cheerleading just as CTR are new to reality tv. Cheer on CMT and cheerleaders online are great shows for portraying cheerleading, however TLC specialises in reality drama, cheer has not be renewed for a new season (as far as i know don't quote me i could be wrong) but i can pretty much imagine the main audience were already allstar cheerleaders. Cheer perfectiom has a wider audience because of the entertainment factor, the producers did not set out to create a documentary, thats what needs to be understood here. (And for all those questioning about the reality factor, no reality shows are filmed realisticly then edited in the exact order, a lot of it has been manipulated in all shows)

Reference: studied media for 3 going on 4 years.

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I think it's great you want to defend this poster and prevent a bunch of people ganging up on him/her.

The reality is that @tigercoachk started "innocently" by acting like they just happen to notice that this was going to start airing again. If you haven't noticed yet, people on the boards are looking for people to be honest and up-front with their intentions. If we start with that then all threads have the potential to be open, respectful discussions.

Then @tigercoachk asked a good question: "what do you want to see?" If he/she had stopped there that is what people would have replied. . .although it would have included things that MANY people are not happy with about the show.

@tigercoachk finished by trying to defend the airing of the momma drama and stacking of teams by saying its the same as all other gyms. That just isn't going to fly around here.

Rule #6. Don't make statements about how other people/teams/gyms are thinking or feeling. Think: the only person's opinion I should express is my own.

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