All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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Ugh I know. We had to go early to a comp. once to watch some teams and then they walk right past us stretching on their way out.. SO ANNOYING. Just stay an extra half hour?!

i think its so rude! our team watched you guys, wayyy to support your own gym. thanks!
and the coaches always say "theyll be there next time." ...never happens :(
I love all of this! Here are a few of mine:

Girls talking during practice... like, stfu
Parents who think just cuz their kid can tumble that she's amazing when she can't jump, stunt, or hit a motion to save her life
When girls catch an attitude with their coaches for giving a correction or yelling... hello, that's what coaching is
FAKE UPS INSTEAD OF FULL UPS- you know this, when they really do a half up and the group walks around the other half turn... even Shooting Stars did this last year at one point... yuck just hit a fullup
Bangs in the face... ANY bang, side or front... spray that back, ew
Heelstretches to the side or scorpions that start pulling from the ankle instead of the foot
OLD SCHOOL CHEER CURLS... gross knock it off
Hair pieces in general.... so nasty
Competitions that don't use USASF rules... my kids lost to a team that had NO majority anything, just because the judges liked their routine... bulll
FLYING ON THE LEFT LEG... cut it out, it's wrong and your kids will never go beyond high school like that
Flyers doing different body positions at the same time... like you have a scale in the middle and 2 libs on each side.... yay look we have one properly trained flyer, just ignore the others...
Collisions during transitions... figure it out guys
Formations that are too far forward on the mat... you don't have to be on top of us
Formations where the lines are too close to each other and it looks like a big clump... peanut butta jelly spread out
When you have 2 panels between your stunt group... it just looks sloppy, and I cant see what the hell is going on in the 9th panel, come on
Timing off on jumps and tumbling
DOUBLE DIPPING... you know what I mean, when tapping down from stunts or doing release moves in pyramids, etc.... why are you taking 2 dips, just throw that ish back up
Boys going all-girl stunting
7 year olds flying on senior teams
Other coaches in your program getting offended when you correct one of their kids... hello, that ho fell outta her stunt at every comp so far, and I just told her one thing and it's hitting... thank me you idiot
The absence of trick baskets in level 3.... all I'm seeing is full twists, whatever happened to toe touches, pikes, ball outs, kicks?
A certain Level 4 team who won "Best Level 4 pyramids" and "Best Level 4 stunts" at AllStarChallenge but did not have ANY Level 4 tricks in their pyramid and only 1 in their stunt sequence... I'm sorry, but being clean is easy when you have NO difficulty
And that brings me to... CLEAN AND EASY SHOULD NOT BEAT TEAMS WITH MORE DIFFICULTY... anyone can do the bare minimum and make it clean
Crossovers... that's why there's a small division... if you only have 12 kids that are Level 3, then make them a team of 12.... not fair to put 15 Level 4 and 5 kids on it and make it large. Making a level 4.2 that consists of half your Level 4 team is also NOT CUTE
Parents who think you are "targeting" their kid because you have to yell at them all the time.... no, your kid is the problem, not me
Girls who wear non-cheer shoes to practice... come on, really?
Girls who roll their eyes for any reason, but particularly when I ask them to remove the jewelry store they are wearing....
Girls who get a manicure right before practice or a piercing during the season
Competitions that give you 5 minutes of warm up time... uh, yeah if we were warming up for jazzercise... idiots
Competitions that claim to have a spring floor but when you get there, it's the foam stuff... dislike, not the same

I could go on and on... I think I already did LOL
I have A LOT haha, but my biggest 3 are:
-bases/backs who always blame the fliers. Believe it or not, it's not always their fault..
-People who come to competitions with their hair undone, uniform off, and make up not done yet. Your competiting in an hour and aren't even ready yet?
-when it's down the final 2 in awards, and the first team jumping up and celebrating while the second place team gets called. it is so rude and disrespectful..

AHHH me too! Our coach makes us wait for our named to be called before we start jumping up and down.
when people clearly don't answer the questions that a thread is asking.
blunchin said:
when people clearly don't answer the questions that a thread is asking.

You just did that... Hahaha that would be a message board pet peeve not a cheer one.

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-hair isnt done right at comps or practice
-the one girl re-doing her hair after everything she does
-head bands that flyoff in the middle of tumbling
-stray bobby pins and clips in the middle of the comp floor
-bow isnt in right
-bows that dont match the uniform in some way shape or form why do u need a random bow
-unzipped skirts
-cell phones in skirts
-barely there makeup or makeup that doesnt match the team
-flyers that dont stretch
-flyers that stick out because there so unflexible compared to the other flyers
-toes not pointed at any time in the air, in tumbling, jumps...
-wrists in motions, loose motions, arm positioning, overall being clean im sure u own a mirror at you house take 10 mins a week and fix it!!!
-legs flying around in double downs just squeeze(it will make you twist even faster)
-bases that cant base
-bases that think their amazing
-people that skip on conditioning or cheat during conditioning and then they dont have the strength to hold there flyer in the air
-if theres only 2 guys on your team they have to be opposites!!!
-cheerleaders smoking should be kicked off immediately no questions asked same for showing up to practice clearly hungover or a competition!!!
-cheerleaders screaming at their parents or fighting with them at competitions it doesnt matter what they did im pretty sure their the ones paying for u to cheer you should be thanking them everyday of your life and it makes u look like a brat and its embarrassing to your parents and bad for the organization you cheer for
-cheerleaders that dont want to be at practice competitions etc if you dont want to be there why are you on the squad in the first place
-bases that dont do there job
-bases that dont make every effort to catch the flyers it doesnt matter if they messed up its your job to catch them there going to get hurt they are the ones up in the air just CATCH THEM ALREADY!!!!!!
-dropping stunts to the ground at competitions
-needing help and not asking or blowing people off when there trying to help you if you dont want help say so nicely
-mental blocks get on my nerves i get it if your scared then just say your scared but crying mental block anytime a coach says try this um no get over it or theres the door
-chronic lateness to practice theres other girls driving an hour and 15 mins to get to practice and your 10 mins away could u leave your house idk lik 1 minute earlier
-talking about other plans while the coach is talking about something important wait till a break now isnt the time the coach is telling you what your doing wrong and your still not paying attention
-stunts that arent hitting and people are too lazy to work on it hit it and be done were tired of you falling at comps
-tiny girls with huge uniforms and bigger girls with tiny uniforms its distracting when there uniforms falling off and the others is riding up
-thers no reason for bows to fly out during comps its called a bobby pin or an extra hair tie
-random shoes flying??? dont u learn to tie shoes in kindergarten
-music thats way too loud or too quiet
-closed practice means closed practice not hey parents try to seak in
-people who dont own up to their mistakes in the stunt if its me i admit it or say idk help me
-bases that get mad if a flyer is trying to learn a new stunt shes a newer flyer back off give her time im sure u didnt know how to base this stunt when you first came here either
-cheer shoes with really long laces we had to wrap ours around our shoes cause they were so long
-evryone but one girl has a half top thats embarassing to that girl. either everyone has a half top or no one dont call her out like that
-guys with long hair and its flying around in their face if it can go in a pony put it up u dont have to cut it off just get it out of your face
-stopping the routine half way through at practice bc someone wasnt working
-if someone cant hit something dont just get mad and talk about them behind their back IF YOUR SO AMAZING GO HELP THEM!
-full out means full out i get if you mess up but dont make it an everytime thing

im not perfect in anyway! i may try to be but i know im not the perfect cheerleader and never will be. i would never try to pass myself off as one. these were just a few things lol it just bugs me when people dont try and i actually do. just a little attention to detail needed every once in a while
* people walking up and across seating areas when teams are performing
* Walking in front of you trying to take photos or video tape
* other teams making comments or voicing their oppinions about your team when your standing there
* flyers who really dont have good technique or arent flexable but are put in to maximize team stunting. ( rather see 5 very strong stunt groups than 8 with 3 that suck trying to hide them in the back,
* unzipped skirts and tops at competitions, or walking around in sportsbras at comps
*parent suggesting ideas to improve routine but wont go to coaches..(talking to others)
* girls who are constantly playing with their hair, fixing ponytails , messy buns ex, at practices example after every tumbling pass or run through or jumps, whatever
* water breaks, checking texts instead
* when a girl drops out of a stunt , someone in that group blaming the other person
my list could go on
-When Jumps To Back Isn't Together And Does The Wave.
-When Flyers Blame Bases For Stunt Going Wrong
-When Front Spots Or Bases Tell Flyers How To Fly(Vice Versa)
-Fake Facials
-I Hate When You Tell Someone To Fix A Motion Or Something To Do With Tumbling Nicely And They Look At You Like Your Stupid Or Get Mad Cause You Were Fixing Them And They Cant Take Constructive Criticism.
-When Bases/Backs Dont Catch Their Flyer B/C They "Supposedly" Did Something Wrong Or They Don't Like The Flyer.
-When Hands Are On Your Hips And Girls Drop 1 Shoulder In A Routine "Trying" To Be Cute . Ugh I Hate That. So Trashy And Ugly Looking
-When A Coach Yells At A Little Kid And Makes Them Cry. Like Really? Their 6 Your 26. They Wanna Be A Kid. Let Them!!!
I hate when people were on an offbrand high school team, barely have a backhandspring and are complaining to the coach that they didnt make a competitive division 1 cheerleading squad over people with standing tucks and layouts and fulls. Just because you were on your high school team does not mean you should automatically make a college one!
The absence of trick baskets in level 3.... all I'm seeing is full twists, whatever happened to toe touches, pikes, ball outs, kicks?

I HATE FULL TWIST BASKETS! I would much rather see an awesome toe touch basket.
Im sure some of these were mentioned already...

-uglyyy uniforms, "were getting new ones next year.." never happens.
-hungover sunday practices
-absent for no reason
-getting nothing accomplished at practice
-not conditioning
-not in shape teams. really guys? adrenaline wont get you through that one.
-not having your cheer shoes with you. Really guys? REALLY??!!

-flyers who cant fly.
-annoying announcers
-awards taking my whole life. please just get to the results, im pretty sure no one wants to hear "who let the dogs out" on repeat.
-full top uniforms on sr teams. <---- hdgadklfa;lj HATE THIS.
-wearing another teams shirt to comp with your team.
-showing up late AND unprepared to comp.
-drunk coaches
-crazy cheer parents
-disrespectful teams and/or coaches
-bad venues
-ugly/flat/small&long bows.
-random bloomers on teams. 'yessss our gym is blue black and white, but we wear rainbow zebra spanks.' EW take those off.
-competing twice the same day.
-HAVING (almost every) TEAMS FROM YOUR GYM LEAVE BEFORE YOUR TEAM COMPETES. ): thats all i got as of now hahhaha im sure theres millions more

we always have to go to our competitions early to watch all our younger teams and when it's time for us to go there's alomst noone there to watch us...unless it's an out of town comp and they can't go anywhere. lol
but then, like, they all talk about how they wanna be on the international team. you don't even watch us!!!
and we're there for every single other performance.
oh well they'll see
i mean 45 min is not too long to wait esp. when you've been there all day anyway..
people telling me I don't know how to coach certain things because I can't do them anymore ?
I've gone through proper gymnastics coaching courses , have spent many many hours , days , learning the tricks of the trade and how to spot and teach a wide amount of skills
don't tell me I don't know how to coach a double back because I don't throw them ?
(more gymnastics related)

you start the year as flexible as the end of the year and I hate you
not necessarily the point girl with a straight scorpion and bow behind her head , please , don't get more flexible .
but that girl on the far right with a play button scorpion who can't pull a bow and stays in stretch while the others bow ..
you cheer for at least 10 months . do a split or two in that time .

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