Okay the visa thing makes a little more sense now, I missed the part where the dad said that it was he and not Cali that worked on obtaining the visa. My heart hurts for that whole family. No matter how things went down, Dylan did not deserve any of this. He's just a kid trying to live out his dream. And true, I'm 20 years old and thankfully not a parent, so I obviously can't actually grasp how difficult this must be for Dylan's dad. But I still think a tiny little bit less of him for what he said about that girl. Was she wrong to blame Dylan? Absolutely, but she's still practically a kid and he's an adult. So to me, he was in the wrong also. Especially, I feel, in his posting of that on fb where it's quite frowned upon to talk ill of other people's CPs. She's someone's kid too. When the day arrives that I do have children and can grasp just a little bit better how Dylan's dad is feeling, I probably will have a different view on the matter and relate more to him maybe. But in the present, I can only relate to the teenagers, which includes all of the Smoed kids. I feel for Dylan and all he's dealing with right now, hopefully his CEA family can stand in for his parents and lift him up. I feel for Jessica because she gave up her dream school for another dream that is now shattered. I feel for the kids on Smoed who love their coaches and are protective of their team and sometimes let emotions get the best of them (like all teenagers do). Their world (well cheer world) is in shambles because of this, which pretty much is Cali's fault because the show blew the whole issue up and is going to make it hard for all involved to move on, but it still must be hard for them, even though they said harsh things to and about Dylan that should be privately apologized for.