I support a parent's right, as an advocate for his/her child, and as a consumer of a product( sorry, but cheer teams are still a product no matter how prestigious the programs are) to stand up against what they see as improper, unethical, unsafe or even undesirable behavior.
It appears to me, that Dylan's father made several attempts, as a parent, and a consumer, mind you, to address his concerns. The program, or coaches, made a choice not to respond. The consequences for that were foreseeable
The family was under no obligation at that point to refrain from sharing their displeasure. In cheer there are few venues for consumers to voice their complaints or concerns, there is a definite bias towards the businesses in this industry, so they did what most of us do and moved on. The family even showed restraint when there was a public response to their decision.
It wasn't until a publicity move on the part of SMOED ( say what you like, but the show is nothing if not a publicity stunt) was made, that Dylan's father chose to publicly address what he viewed as a distortion of the situation.
He was under no obligation, ever, to hide his side of the story, nor to be unbiased, or diplomatic in his response. I also don't believe many would have listened to him without evidence.
Unfortunately, for CA, Eddie's email was poorly worded, at best. If that email had been sent to me, I would have been very angry, because not only did it come off as a veiled threat, it questioned Dylan's character, and the integrity of the competitor program he had chosen.
While it is entirely possible that CA was under some obligation to notify INS of the change; and while I have no doubt that Eddie would have every right to be hurt and/or disappointed by the situation, it probably would have been wiser to have separate communications about the two separate issues.
Hindsight, I suppose. I get the impression that Eddie's passion is a big part of who he is, and what drives his successes, so I get it.
What I don't get, is not taking the time in the following months to try to rectify the situation. Nor do I understand the arrogance that it takes to expect that Dylan's father would not respond to that episode.
I feel like it is a side effect of the entitlement that comes along with fame and success, and an industry that devalues its consumers. If everyone is replaceable, so are you; if you seek publicity, the public forms opinions and shares them publicly; and if you are callous in how you approach dissatisfaction, dissatisfied customers speak out.
I am saddened by the negative experiences that have ensued for all involved, but glad to see a consumer, and parent speaking out for their rights and about their experiences.
ETA: paragraphs ( grammar thread :) )