I liked it. I thought it was a good representation of allstar cheer, that didn't focus for one minute on the negatives, and the bits we hate it when people focus on. I heard NO mention of pom poms, uniforms, bows, makeup, inappropriate moves, jumping up and down for footballers...and that makes me very happy.
I understand people's point about the 'team' focus, but I think you can see the team effort - you see everyone practicing, and you see them all together. You'd have to be mad to NOT see how every member of the team is important. I wish it'd shown other members of SE - maybe something on the graduating girls, but in a limited time slot, I can see how they'd need to focus on one story, otherwise you'd never get a full picture of anyone. If it's aimed at the lay person, it would have kept the attention with the 'drama' of the story, and given them someone to focus on. Maybe they can do a follow up feature on other girls? Or other CEA athletes? Or other programmes? Please?
Several bits of it I loved. The part at practice before the competition where Courtney says go again, and the girls are lying on the floor, clearly exhausted, and then they get up, and run it again with huge smiles. Wow. Who hasn't been there going 'Full out? Again? REALLY? I'm dying here' after a long practice? But they didn't just RUN it again, they OWNED it again. I don't think I could have got up and given it my all like those girls did. That's what makes SE incredible, that determination.
2 bits made me cry like a baby - firstly when the girls learn they're in 3rd place after Day 1, and a few are in tears. When Courtney goes 'hey hey hey..' all sympathetic, right before her pep talk, my heart just goes out. I just want them to all feel happy again...and secondly Maddie's interview after Worlds, where you can hear her voice crackle and see how she just wants to run away and cry.
I DO like SE, and I DO think they are incredible. I'm not in the USA, so I'm not really involved in the crazy fan side (although if I ever met one of SE/WCSS/F5 I'd probably go crazy with excitement). From an outside view, Maddie makes my heart melt because she's human, she comes across very sweet, and you can see her working so hard. How truly brave a girl Maddie is, for sitting and doing that interview right after Worlds, talking about the moment which clearly broke her heart. How poised she sounded, despite everything. THAT is why she's a star. Let's not lie, the ball up 360 tick tock is insane, but it's her spirit and her bravery and her sweetness that came across in that for me. When Courtney said she'll be fine, she's going to be something fantastic, you know that's true.