We will probably never get a answer straight from the producer but this is what I know of how this all developed:
- CNN followed SSX, Orange, and some Smoke athletes starting at CHEERSPORT intending to do a documentary on the teams road to Worlds. I watched them follow and do numerous interviews on a number of different athletes.
- When they went back to each of the gyms to film more footage, at some point they decided to start interviewing SE athletes and follow them
- They followed all these teams to Worlds and you can see the end result
I am sure my view of it is not 100% accurate, but the point is that it started as one idea and in the end they built a story around what they thought would be best. It's THEIR show so we should respect their decision to do so. If we want to see different coverage of our sport, then WE should look at ourselves and wonder how we are portraying ourselves as a sport. The organization, competition structure, and especially the image (yes--hair, make-up, uniform, and bows).
We should all appreciate if someone on our team or elsewhere in the sport is highlighted, definitely not tear them or their team down because it's not us or we didn't get any credit. I hope everyone in the sport learns from this and realizes that some of the reactions in the name of highlighting the team concept actually tore it down quite a bit.