You'll have to ask CNN. I will tell you that in interviews they talked to Maddie about her relationships with her team, the coaching staff, other gyms, Varsity and just about everything. They decided not to use any of those answers. And again you'll have to ask CNN. I do not think they interviewed anyone else on SE, I know they did Raleigh and I believe Stingrays, but I know nothing about the Raleigh or Stingray filming and interviews.
Now, who outside of cheer world really cares about cheer? Well, I can tell you from the response we are getting at home, many, many more. That was the point of the documentary I believe. She was interviewed for hours at a time, the car riding interview for instance was over an hour and they used 5 seconds. They were in our home for 6 hours and used 15 seconds. If it ever happens to any of you, get ready to be deposed like a witness for a trial. No kidding.
That said, thanks to all that seem to understand. WE, Maddie included, appreciate your kind words and support. And to the others, it's fine to take a different perspective and opinion. No harm, no hurt feelings. Fire away, as King states, this is a discussion board.