I want one thing to be clear. I don't disagree with the rule in and of itself. That's not what I'm questioning in any way. I keep my kid covered up off the mat, and I feel that is appropriate, especially at her young age. I will comply with this rule, our program is complying with this rule, and I don't really have a problem with that part of it. I agree 100% that appropriate appearance is necessary.
I guess what I am questioning (in what has completely strayed from my original question in this thread) is the effectiveness of this rule in regards to what USASF is trying to accomplish. If it really, truly is about the image of our sport, then I don't think this rule is necessarily the most effective way to address it. It may be a starting point, which it seems to be, but it seems a little narrow in its scope to fully address the issue of image.
Side note:
CAmamakat, do you have team moms or someone that is allowed into the warm-up area with the team? I ask because for us, backpacks pretty much have to stay with the parents while the vast majority of athletes (a lot of senior athletes do hang onto them) are in warm-ups and competing. We have no one but coaches allowed back with the teams to hold onto things. That leads to a logistical issue of making sure that each parent gets their kid covered up when they are released after the performance, and that was the reason for my original post. Despite repeated reminders from our program and myself, I can't guarantee that everyone will comply with the rule.