I haven't even read what you posted beyond this, because it bothered the pants off of me.
I can't put into words how upset I got when reading this. Maybe because it's an election year, maybe because I'm in my early 20s and those are fightin' years, but something about this grabbed my soul and squeezed.
ALWAYS, ALWAYS question the validity of any rule passed that affects you. Don't disregard laws completely, but never stop questioning why they're there in the first place. Complacency is the biggest mistake we can make when it comes to things that occur in our daily life. I'm not saying get paranoid, but when we lose our curiosity about life and why things are the way they are, we lose the ability to change our world for the better. How many things would not be the way they are if people just accepted 'rules are rules?'
While I believe these rules/guidelines were put forth in the spirit of good intentions, and I believe there was a reason they were there, we need to continually check in and ask 'Why.' What is it about our world that made this an issue? Will these be relevant next year? 2 years from now? 5? 10? Was this the CORRECT way to go about putting forth these rules?
As for questioning and challenging the rules on here- this forum has amazed me with its continuous ability to provide meaningful discussion about a whole variety of topics. We have a variety of pretty high-profile people on here who share insight and bring their opinions to the places it matters. Les came on and talked about the Bangkok debacle, Justin comes on all the time to discuss NCA stuff (new sandbagging rules, Varsity score sheet stuff, etc). If you ever wanted a pretty accurate pulse for how people feel about certain things in the industry, I'd look here before anywhere. Yes, we have some gossip-y bits. But I'm always inspired by the challenging discussion and debates we have here. We may not make the change ourselves on the whole, but I wouldn't discount that our ideas and suggestions make their way to the people who COULD do something about it.