All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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The hospitals are putting patients in the gift shop dude. There is no where for grandma to go if she gets sick in California. Cali gyms shouldn’t be going anywhere.

There’s a very real chance that sometime soon a hospitals oxygen delivery system will fail and it will kill everyone in the hospital. I need everyone reading this to understand that could literally happen any day.

The army corps of engineers is being dispatched to hospitals to try and support their O2 delivery systems, but it’s a very real possibility a hospitals oxygen delivery systems could fail at any second. They are not designed to run at this capacity and we’re all crossing our fingers and hoping what happened in Egypt won’t happen here.

This video is my biggest fear. It keeps me up at night. It gives me nightmares, and it could happen here too. Every patient in Covid unit dies after oxygen supply fails in Egypt | Metro News
I just continue to be baffled by the people that either don't get it, or just refuse to believe any of it.
Varsity is one thing that we are all dealing with; parents, gym owners, etc.
But another thing to consider is how comfortable are you with you gyms safety protocols? How safe are they keeping your kids with all this.
When I started this thread last March I thought my gym was not taking it seriously. But I am happy to state that my feeling have completely changed. they have made numerous adjustments this season and continue to implement change as needed. We were conditioning outside until the weather became an issue. Girls and staff are masked at all times. No parents are allowed in the gym. The waiting area is fully closed. Girls come in, practice and leave. No non team members or outside teams are in the gym training. Girls have to quarantine no questions asked if they are exposed. The gym went virtual for 2 weeks after 1 positive case.

And our schedule has continually changed. We have virtuals this month and the rest of the season is now all local comps; if the state opens back up. If not we will find some more virtual events for Feb.

How is your gym doing?

Sounds good! Our gym is very similar. Masks mandatory, no parents allowed inside.

Showcase and 2 local comps so far have felt mostly safe.

The only thing that is not in line with the safe feeling is that they’re still planning on traveling to a very big comp which requires flying. We’re most likely not going. They’re ok about it at least.
The hospitals are putting patients in the gift shop dude. There is no where for grandma to go if she gets sick in California. Cali gyms shouldn’t be going anywhere.

There’s a very real chance that sometime soon a hospitals oxygen delivery system will fail and it will kill everyone in the hospital. I need everyone reading this to understand that could literally happen any day.

The army corps of engineers is being dispatched to hospitals to try and support their O2 delivery systems, but it’s a very real possibility a hospitals oxygen delivery systems could fail at any second. They are not designed to run at this capacity and we’re all crossing our fingers and hoping what happened in Egypt won’t happen here.

This video is my biggest fear. It keeps me up at night. It gives me nightmares, and it could happen here too. Every patient in Covid unit dies after oxygen supply fails in Egypt | Metro News

Wow. What a terrifying scenario. And not out of reach to happen here, in all honesty.
When SOH was moved to Atlanta it was not one of the hot spots and whether we like it or not, it doesn't matter, it is allowed in GA. The GWCC is also one of the largest Convention Centers in the US and can allow for social distancing that other facilities can not. It is a governing bodies responsibility to regulate and sanction the sport they govern. Varsity has provided spaces where the law permits, has required masks, people can socially distance and has changed their spectator limits at each comp to comply with CDC recommendations. The big problem is people have made Varsity into something it is not. People either forget, or disregard, the fact that each of the 50 states have different laws concerning the pandemic, sexual predators, etc. Varsity can't just do what they want, they have to follow laws of each state and fight to stay in business as safely as any other business. What laws has Varsity broken with the pandemic? The ban was not legally into effect in NJ and the Cure Insurance Agency is owned by Mercer County under Murray. A good question IMO, why is Murray blaming Varsity instead of the manager of the county building in his state?
Yes, as I acknowledged states have different tolerances about what they will and won't allow. Imo the event is not just limited to what happens within the walls of the convention center, and I find the travel/restaurants/hotels to be a problem. You disagree and that is fine. I don't believe I've suggested they broke laws, though clearly they are not following best practices by not mandating masks on athletes and encouraging travel when most other agencies are asking for travel to be limited to essential travel. The convention center employees might have a case that they were not protected by all the maskless participants, idk. Murphy was ticked at everyone in that instance but the ban is not limited to events held in NJ, it also is designed to limits teams from NJ traveling outside the state. I don't believe every program or sport is fully complying and I've said before perhaps removing the chase for bids would increase compliance. That role does fall on Varsity, perhaps they are discussing it but again they don't really update their customers and rarely survey directly so who knows.
Battle of the arena which is usually held the Friday before Nca at the Dallas convention center is now going virtual.
this is probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but if travel comps do resume, i think cali gyms should really question if they should be apart of it. Im not saying they are irresponsible, but clearly cali is having major issues with containing covid, my sister who lives in San Fran says its a sh*t show still in california.....
Yes, as I acknowledged states have different tolerances about what they will and won't allow. Imo the event is not just limited to what happens within the walls of the convention center, and I find the travel/restaurants/hotels to be a problem. You disagree and that is fine. I don't believe I've suggested they broke laws, though clearly they are not following best practices by not mandating masks on athletes and encouraging travel when most other agencies are asking for travel to be limited to essential travel. The convention center employees might have a case that they were not protected by all the maskless participants, idk. Murphy was ticked at everyone in that instance but the ban is not limited to events held in NJ, it also is designed to limits teams from NJ traveling outside the state. I don't believe every program or sport is fully complying and I've said before perhaps removing the chase for bids would increase compliance. That role does fall on Varsity, perhaps they are discussing it but again they don't really update their customers and rarely survey directly so who knows.

To MANDATE a mask only means a police officer has to witness someone without a mask to ticket them. Varsity REQUIRES masks and if someone refuses to wear one and refuses to leave, a police officer can site them on trespassing without having to witness it. What is a mandate providing that requiring doesn't? As far as athletes, there are medical professionals that are excluding certain sports from wearing masks stating the risks of injury outweigh the benefits for wrestling, gymnastics, cheer, swimming, and diving.

Irony, we don't necessarily disagree on some opinions, I have a husband that is going through chemo and a daughter that just had a septoplasty. We sit at home, we don't take risks and I put that responsibility on us. Where we drastically disagree is law and finance. We don't have any idea what Varsity is and isn't allowed to do since we don't have their contracts, we don't know what they can afford financially, we don't know every single state law, and we don't know what is going to happen between now and a competition. We have witnessed them move, go virtual, and limit or ban spectator attendance for many of these comps. Concerning eliminating bids (I like that idea), but it would be foolish for me to assume that just because I think it's a great idea that it necessarily works within their abilities. Again, parents knew they were signing up in a pandemic and knew bids were a part of it.
I just continue to be baffled by the people that either don't get it, or just refuse to believe any of it.

Sorry for the double post, but who isn't "getting it" or "refusing to believe any of it?" American's have access to local, national, and international news 24/7, internet, social media, radio and family/friends that work in hospitals. As we have seen very recently, a small percentage of extremists are going to develop ridiculous conspiracy theories, but a big part of that is the result of one sided information and refusing to listen to both sides. Currently, many countries are using Modern Monetary Theory and just printing money to survive. My guess is the majority of American's are very aware about cases, deaths and hospital capacities, but know very little about MMT. The 1.9 million world wide deaths is absolutely tragic, but the fact that there are still 7.7 billion people living with financial experts having little to no understanding of the consequences of MMT is just as horrifying. Life and economic balance are intertwined, you can't ignore one without greatly impacting the other and I'm baffled by those that don't understand that concept.
Sorry for the double post, but who isn't "getting it" or "refusing to believe any of it?" American's have access to local, national, and international news 24/7, internet, social media, radio and family/friends that work in hospitals. As we have seen very recently, a small percentage of extremists are going to develop ridiculous conspiracy theories, but a big part of that is the result of one sided information and refusing to listen to both sides. Currently, many countries are using Modern Monetary Theory and just printing money to survive. My guess is the majority of American's are very aware about cases, deaths and hospital capacities, but know very little about MMT. The 1.9 million world wide deaths is absolutely tragic, but the fact that there are still 7.7 billion people living with financial experts having little to no understanding of the consequences of MMT is just as horrifying. Life and economic balance are intertwined, you can't ignore one without greatly impacting the other and I'm baffled by those that don't understand that concept.
Those "extemists" are exactly who I'm referring to. The people who somehow feel like wearing a mask is an infringement of their rights, the people who come up with every conspiracy under the sun, the people who constantly state that medical professionals are just making everything up. Now there isn't really much of that on here, but it just blows my mind when I see it. I think it is 100% possible to see both sides of it, but the extremes on either side are awful.
To MANDATE a mask only means a police officer has to witness someone without a mask to ticket them. Varsity REQUIRES masks and if someone refuses to wear one and refuses to leave, a police officer can site them on trespassing without having to witness it. What is a mandate providing that requiring doesn't? As far as athletes, there are medical professionals that are excluding certain sports from wearing masks stating the risks of injury outweigh the benefits for wrestling, gymnastics, cheer, swimming, and diving.

Irony, we don't necessarily disagree on some opinions, I have a husband that is going through chemo and a daughter that just had a septoplasty. We sit at home, we don't take risks and I put that responsibility on us. Where we drastically disagree is law and finance. We don't have any idea what Varsity is and isn't allowed to do since we don't have their contracts, we don't know what they can afford financially, we don't know every single state law, and we don't know what is going to happen between now and a competition. We have witnessed them move, go virtual, and limit or ban spectator attendance for many of these comps. Concerning eliminating bids (I like that idea), but it would be foolish for me to assume that just because I think it's a great idea that it necessarily works within their abilities. Again, parents knew they were signing up in a pandemic and knew bids were a part of it.

Thank you for sharing that information and I wish them all the best. I don't disagree with many of your sentiments. We started the season wanting to financially support our program, which we love and want to remain in business moving forward. We also feel very comfortable with the protocols they have in place. After what happened with Worlds and Summit last year I really expected Varsity to be much more nimble and am constantly surprised with how reactive they are. I might not come across as someone who worked in business for two decades with a husband in finance but I am and really DO appreciate contractual issues. But I don't see how the events that go on aren't possibly losing money at this point: limited attendance, lower admission, no hanging around buying food or beverage, extra staff on site needed for cleaning, etc. A two day comp for example that contractually couldn't cancel without government intervention could possibly become two smaller one day comps, etc. and might allow more spectators but I don't see those type of switches being made.

General question: if usasf/varsity checks whether athletes are registered/eligible/age appropriate to compete in general, do you think there is any role for Varsity to ask programs to complete a Covid disclosure as to whether they are eligible to travel or compete in this competition? Hold programs accountable for breaking state laws? or not there role at all. They are a business but also a governing body so IDK.
General question: if usasf/varsity checks whether athletes are registered/eligible/age appropriate to compete in general, do you think there is any role for Varsity to ask programs to complete a Covid disclosure as to whether they are eligible to travel or compete in this competition? Hold programs accountable for breaking state laws? or not there role at all. They are a business but also a governing body so IDK.

You are getting into HIPAA and state regulation territory, and without consulting with a lawyer, I have no idea. People assume Varsity can do a lot, but forget the main reason businesses don't want to get involved with enforcing laws and leave that up to the state authorities is because they can be sued and that's expensive. I, also, have 20 years of middle management experience with May Corp (now Federated) and the last 8 years my position required me to be in meetings with Sr. management and inquiring often with the Corp lawyers. Corp lawyers make decisions based on law, risk, and cost, they do not want to be in a courtroom because it's expensive and to keep up with ever changing laws of 50 states is expensive. There were many times I knew I was doing the right thing only to have a lawyer tell me "No, move on."

As far as virtual comps making or losing money... athlete fees, spectator fees and hotel rebates obviously play a part in their comp profits. However, it is not just the venue, cleaning, security, bids and food services it is covering, that profit also goes toward Varsity debt, building/storage leases, employee salaries/benefits, legal fees, etc. I agree it would be less expensive from the venue standpoint, but we have no idea if virtual can make a dent in their other expenses.

Those "extremists" are exactly who I'm referring to. The people who somehow feel like wearing a mask is an infringement of their rights, the people who come up with every conspiracy under the sun, the people who constantly state that medical professionals are just making everything up. Now there isn't really much of that on here, but it just blows my mind when I see it. I think it is 100% possible to see both sides of it, but the extremes on either side are awful.

I 100% agree with that, however, the good news is extremists are a very small percentage of the American people. The bad news is because they get constant media attention, it makes us feel as though we are in a constant state of crazy and only serves to perpetuate more extreme behavior, ideals and conspiracy theories. Truth>>>Newton's law of force and acceleration applies to people's views and behavior, as well. People that are spoken to calmly and with reason are more likely to listen and change their behavior versus calling them "idiots" or trying to justify violence and destruction. If we are doing the latter, we are perpetuating and intensifying those with opposing views.
You are getting into HIPAA and state regulation territory, and without consulting with a lawyer, I have no idea. People assume Varsity can do a lot, but forget the main reason businesses don't want to get involved with enforcing laws and leave that up to the state authorities is because they can be sued and that's expensive. I, also, have 20 years of middle management experience with May Corp (now Federated) and the last 8 years my position required me to be in meetings with Sr. management and inquiring often with the Corp lawyers. Corp lawyers make decisions based on law, risk, and cost, they do not want to be in a courtroom because it's expensive and to keep up with ever changing laws of 50 states is expensive. There were many times I knew I was doing the right thing only to have a lawyer tell me "No, move on."

As far as virtual comps making or losing money... athlete fees, spectator fees and hotel rebates obviously play a part in their comp profits. However, it is not just the venue, cleaning, security, bids and food services it is covering, that profit also goes toward Varsity debt, building/storage leases, employee salaries/benefits, legal fees, etc. I agree it would be less expensive from the venue standpoint, but we have no idea if virtual can make a dent in their other expenses.

I 100% agree with that, however, the good news is extremists are a very small percentage of the American people. The bad news is because they get constant media attention, it makes us feel as though we are in a constant state of crazy and only serves to perpetuate more extreme behavior, ideals and conspiracy theories. Truth>>>Newton's law of force and acceleration applies to people's views and behavior, as well. People that are spoken to calmly and with reason are more likely to listen and change their behavior versus calling them "idiots" or trying to justify violence and destruction. If we are doing the latter, we are perpetuating and intensifying those with opposing views.
If it were only the media I wouldn't have any problem ignoring it. But seeing it a lot from friends is a little disheartening.
You are getting into HIPAA and state regulation territory, and without consulting with a lawyer, I have no idea. People assume Varsity can do a lot, but forget the main reason businesses don't want to get involved with enforcing laws and leave that up to the state authorities is because they can be sued and that's expensive. I, also, have 20 years of middle management experience with May Corp (now Federated) and the last 8 years my position required me to be in meetings with Sr. management and inquiring often with the Corp lawyers. Corp lawyers make decisions based on law, risk, and cost, they do not want to be in a courtroom because it's expensive and to keep up with ever changing laws of 50 states is expensive. There were many times I knew I was doing the right thing only to have a lawyer tell me "No, move on."

As far as virtual comps making or losing money... athlete fees, spectator fees and hotel rebates obviously play a part in their comp profits. However, it is not just the venue, cleaning, security, bids and food services it is covering, that profit also goes toward Varsity debt, building/storage leases, employee salaries/benefits, legal fees, etc. I agree it would be less expensive from the venue standpoint, but we have no idea if virtual can make a dent in their other expenses.

I 100% agree with that, however, the good news is extremists are a very small percentage of the American people. The bad news is because they get constant media attention, it makes us feel as though we are in a constant state of crazy and only serves to perpetuate more extreme behavior, ideals and conspiracy theories. Truth>>>Newton's law of force and acceleration applies to people's views and behavior, as well. People that are spoken to calmly and with reason are more likely to listen and change their behavior versus calling them "idiots" or trying to justify violence and destruction. If we are doing the latter, we are perpetuating and intensifying those with opposing views.
Thanks for you perspective.

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