All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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Yup. This is what I am saying. If they've played out all the scenarios let's hear it. People have asked in multiple venues how they plan on running NCA and Cheersport with all those people attending and they still have not said. Last year Cheersport used building A so instead of spreading out more they are doing it less. Is this because fewer teams are attending etc? would love to know.

Well it isn't exactly fear of state lines, lol. Just don't love the idea of flights, hotel stays, eating in the restaurants etc. Picture Cheersport, if you can't stay in the building all day what are you doing? packed restaurants, hanging out in hotel rooms etc. All of that could be preventable if comps were local(ish).
I get that, But I'm in a situation where I live in one state, cheer in another. so competitions in the state of the gym would still require a hotel room and overnight stay for me. Def not a flight, but I would be in a hotel. Even if we competed in my home state, there are definitely places far enough that would require a hotel stay.
But Varsity is a company that can set it's own rules regarding how athletes and spectators act during competitions in this pandemic. Uniforms are already regulated, as well as shoes, jewelry and a multitude of other things. It is literally nothing for Varsity to stand up and say Masks are Required. If a spectator is seen without a mask you'll be asked to leave. If an athlete is seen without a mask the team will be asked to leave.

This isn't an novel idea. Disney does it. There park regulations far exceed any other business I've been to. Varsity controls Varsity events. Plain and simple. They are just choosing not to make rules and enforce them.

FWIW - the live event held in our state DID require masks for athletes in the entirety of their time within the venue, including warm ups and their performance. Someone even came up to one of my kids right after she had landed a tumbling pass in warm ups and told her to fix her mask because it wasn't covering her nose completely. They also said that if you had a medical exemption to wearing a mask, you just wouldn't be allowed in the building at all, and shields were not acceptable unless you also had a mask on under it.

We had no spectators, and were only allowed three coaches to enter the venue with the team, we met/stood outside (in PA, in December, so it wasn't warm) until our check in time, which was only 10 minutes before we were set to begin warm ups. Things were absolutely enforced, and while it wasn't the same, the only thing the parents were unhappy about was the gun show happening in the building next to us (but still part of the same venue) which was pretty busy judging by the number of cars in the parking lot, but they weren't allowed in to watch their kid for 2:30. (They were totally fine with it from the cheer standpoint, just peeved at the double standard), but clearly Varsity was setting and enforcing rules that were stricter than our states/other events happening at the exact same time and at the same venue.

We were happy with how the event ran, all things considered, and felt very safe from a health standpoint.
Agreed. Mask wearing needs to be enforced, but I don't think the virus will leap through brick walls/vents/across streets and into other buildings. There are people who literally live next to hospitals, and even they probably aren't feeling this level of paranoia. A sporting event in the same convention center as a Covid makeshift hospital sounds rather bad, but in actuality, I imagine the competition would be able to run in Building B/C without even knowing what is happening in Building A; otherwise why would the venue even allow it to happen? At the very least, it would be delayed.

Also, someone mentioned the other convention center further removed from the city, Georgia International Convention Center where BUTBT was held. It's smaller, but if spectators aren't allowed/kept to the bare minimum, would a switch to this venue be possible? I have no idea about the logistics of venue switching, but it sounds like a good alternative on paper.

Yours is a good idea, but it boils down to contracts (two different counties), team participation, and socially distancing abilities to meet state and CDC requirements for these events. About people's venting paranoia, the GWCC is three buildings, 1.5 million sq ft, some with 5 floors and multiple rooms. Forget about how ridiculously expensive and environmentally irresponsible it would be, even if it were mechanically possible, to have one venting system for a place that huge. Lol, it would take a jet engine to get air from one end to the other, and vents would be flying off like those dancing inflatable men. If anyone is actually paranoid about the ventilation system at the GWCC they can pull up a satellite picture and count the roof top and ground systems 'til their hearts content.

Next, no one is fighting for their life at the GWCC, people have vivid imaginations. It is used as a skilled nursing facility to help turn hospital beds, if needed. Per their website:

GWCC is being used for treatment of COVID-19 patients with mild to moderate (non-ICU) illness levels, excluding ventilator support. They are being monitored on site until they are discharged. Walk-up patients and visitors are not permitted.

Yup. This is what I am saying. If they've played out all the scenarios let's hear it. People have asked in multiple venues how they plan on running NCA and Cheersport with all those people attending and they still have not said. Last year Cheersport used building A so instead of spreading out more they are doing it less. Is this because fewer teams are attending etc? would love to know.

Your proof: If Varsity hasn't been able to meet state and CDC social distancing standards based on participation, they've either moved the comp elsewhere or have made it virtual. They, nor anyone else, knows what will happen once the new administration comes in. No one knows what the vaccination will or won't bring in the next couple of months. However, every single parent knew the pandemic was going on when they signed their kids up. Every parent had the opportunity to ask their gym owners if they would or would not be traveling during a pandemic, and if they would be able to get their money back if a comp was canceled. Regret, or impatience, doesn't make Varsity employees any more or less psychic than anyone else.
FWIW - the live event held in our state DID require masks for athletes in the entirety of their time within the venue, including warm ups and their performance. Someone even came up to one of my kids right after she had landed a tumbling pass in warm ups and told her to fix her mask because it wasn't covering her nose completely. They also said that if you had a medical exemption to wearing a mask, you just wouldn't be allowed in the building at all, and shields were not acceptable unless you also had a mask on under it.

We had no spectators, and were only allowed three coaches to enter the venue with the team, we met/stood outside (in PA, in December, so it wasn't warm) until our check in time, which was only 10 minutes before we were set to begin warm ups. Things were absolutely enforced, and while it wasn't the same, the only thing the parents were unhappy about was the gun show happening in the building next to us (but still part of the same venue) which was pretty busy judging by the number of cars in the parking lot, but they weren't allowed in to watch their kid for 2:30. (They were totally fine with it from the cheer standpoint, just peeved at the double standard), but clearly Varsity was setting and enforcing rules that were stricter than our states/other events happening at the exact same time and at the same venue.

We were happy with how the event ran, all things considered, and felt very safe from a health standpoint.
I'd have no problem if that's what they are telling our coaches. But it's not. Guess we'll see how it goes at the event in a couple of weeks.
I'd have no problem if that's what they are telling our coaches. But it's not. Guess we'll see how it goes at the event in a couple of weeks.

To clarify, this was an "Option C" event. I have no experience with Option A or Option B.
Well it isn't exactly fear of state lines, lol. Just don't love the idea of flights, hotel stays, eating in the restaurants etc. Picture Cheersport, if you can't stay in the building all day what are you doing? packed restaurants, hanging out in hotel rooms etc. All of that could be preventable if comps were local(ish).
No one is requiring travel, hotel stays etc. This is a voluntary activity and any parent who is uncomfortable can be a parent and not have their kid compete. Asking Varsity or any other EP to overrule the government mandates is ridiculous. Hockey, baseball, volleyball and many other sports and activities are all being held with multi-state teams as well.
Yeah there were 13,000 new cases today. There are 10 million people in LA County, so that's 0.1%. There are way more cases in LA than the rest of the state. How many cheer gyms are actually in downtown Los Angeles? Any? If I lived in Nevada and California All Stars competed in my state, I really wouldn't be concerned. And like in other areas, the numbers in CA will probably peak and then taper off hopefully sooner than later. There are teams from a lot of different states going to Jamfest Indy next week, hopefully it goes off without a hitch.
Sorry, 1 in 5 tested right now are positive. 10% of the county has already has Covid or currently has it. There is not a single ICU bed. Ambulances are waiting hours and hours to get patients into ERs. I cannot explain to people how absolutely out of control Covid is right now. I certainly wouldn't want people traveling from there. And Cali is in San Bernadino county which is ever worse than LA county.
No one is requiring travel, hotel stays etc. This is a voluntary activity and any parent who is uncomfortable can be a parent and not have their kid compete. Asking Varsity or any other EP to overrule the government mandates is ridiculous. Hockey, baseball, volleyball and many other sports and activities are all being held with multi-state teams as well.
True, it is voluntary. I don't think it's inconsistent to allow my children to participate in activities that are both voluntary and as safe as possible. I feel very comfortable with practice for example as every protocol is followed to a T. Every state having different tolerances for what they consider safe and it is hard to assess what the situation is on the ground from a distance. The evidence of that is Spirit of Hope and the Wisconsin comp moving locations to equally "hot spots" to avoid local restrictions. Hockey is outright banned interstate in many NE states, volleyball and indoor sports have not started where I am yet. There is still an interstate sports travel ban in NJ right now, though it remains to be see how many programs are ignoring that. Perhaps it will be lifted before we actually travel and I don't have to pull them. I guess it is not the responsibility of an organizing body to ensure programs are following laws and actually eligible for competition? If the bid requirement/end of season qualifications were altered a little I think that might alleviate some pressure to not follow local rules...

i got a notification that you quoted my post...did u or is my computer just dumb.
Sorry I was having computer issues, started a reply and stopped. You mentioned something about even if in state requiring a hotel night etc. I was going to say that there isn't a single best solution that will clearly work for everyone but if bid chasing could be loosened a bit many two days events really could be one day. I could envision that enabling more competition, not less but a moot point at this time anyway.
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Ok, You are good haha! Yeah, it's hard to find a single good solution, especially when your gym is already an hour away and across state borders. There are a couple of athletes like this so locally state and gym state are 2 different things. I know if competitions were to only be allowed in my gym state, we would probably not compete at all. Not going to bring the political reason into it because of the no politics unspoken rule, but I do know for a fact we wouldn't compete at all if comps were only in my gym's state.

Sorry I was having computer issues, started a reply and stopped. You mentioned something about even if in state requiring a hotel night etc. I was going to say that there isn't a single best solution that will clearly work for everyone but if bid chasing could be loosened a bit many two days events really could be one day. I could envision that enabling more competition, not less but a moot point at this time anyway.[/QUOTE]
True, it is voluntary. I don't think it's inconsistent to allow my children to participate in activities that are both voluntary and as safe as possible. I feel very comfortable with practice for example as every protocol is followed to a T. Every state having different tolerances for what they consider safe and it is hard to assess what the situation is on the ground from a distance. The evidence of that is Spirit of Hope and the Wisconsin comp moving locations to equally "hot spots" to avoid local restrictions. Hockey is outright banned interstate in many NE states, volleyball and indoor sports have not started where I am yet. There is still an interstate sports travel ban in NJ right now, though it remains to be see how many programs are ignoring that. Perhaps it will be lifted before we actually travel and I don't have to pull them. I guess it is not the responsibility of an organizing body to ensure programs are following laws and actually eligible for competition? If the bid requirement/end of season qualifications were altered a little I think that might alleviate some pressure to not follow local rules...

Sorry I was having computer issues, started a reply and stopped. You mentioned something about even if in state requiring a hotel night etc. I was going to say that there isn't a single best solution that will clearly work for everyone but if bid chasing could be loosened a bit many two days events really could be one day. I could envision that enabling more competition, not less but a moot point at this time anyway.

When SOH was moved to Atlanta it was not one of the hot spots and whether we like it or not, it doesn't matter, it is allowed in GA. The GWCC is also one of the largest Convention Centers in the US and can allow for social distancing that other facilities can not. It is a governing bodies responsibility to regulate and sanction the sport they govern. Varsity has provided spaces where the law permits, has required masks, people can socially distance and has changed their spectator limits at each comp to comply with CDC recommendations. The big problem is people have made Varsity into something it is not. People either forget, or disregard, the fact that each of the 50 states have different laws concerning the pandemic, sexual predators, etc. Varsity can't just do what they want, they have to follow laws of each state and fight to stay in business as safely as any other business. What laws has Varsity broken with the pandemic? The ban was not legally into effect in NJ and the Cure Insurance Agency is owned by Mercer County under Murray. A good question IMO, why is Murray blaming Varsity instead of the manager of the county building in his state?
Varsity is one thing that we are all dealing with; parents, gym owners, etc.
But another thing to consider is how comfortable are you with you gyms safety protocols? How safe are they keeping your kids with all this.
When I started this thread last March I thought my gym was not taking it seriously. But I am happy to state that my feeling have completely changed. they have made numerous adjustments this season and continue to implement change as needed. We were conditioning outside until the weather became an issue. Girls and staff are masked at all times. No parents are allowed in the gym. The waiting area is fully closed. Girls come in, practice and leave. No non team members or outside teams are in the gym training. Girls have to quarantine no questions asked if they are exposed. The gym went virtual for 2 weeks after 1 positive case.

And our schedule has continually changed. We have virtuals this month and the rest of the season is now all local comps; if the state opens back up. If not we will find some more virtual events for Feb.

How is your gym doing?
Cheer is not the only sport that changed things to accommodate the ban. Swim and hockey did the same thing but weren’t mentioned in his comments. But I know for a fact that all the competitive athletes in my daughters class were out on Friday. Some were out Wed-Friday. And so they moved up the timeline- it was still within the “law”. and the event was very well run honestly.

When SOH was moved to Atlanta it was not one of the hot spots and whether we like it or not, it doesn't matter, it is allowed in GA. The GWCC is also one of the largest Convention Centers in the US and can allow for social distancing that other facilities can not. It is a governing bodies responsibility to regulate and sanction the sport they govern. Varsity has provided spaces where the law permits, has required masks, people can socially distance and has changed their spectator limits at each comp to comply with CDC recommendations. The big problem is people have made Varsity into something it is not. People either forget, or disregard, the fact that each of the 50 states have different laws concerning the pandemic, sexual predators, etc. Varsity can't just do what they want, they have to follow laws of each state and fight to stay in business as safely as any other business. What laws has Varsity broken with the pandemic? The ban was not legally into effect in NJ and the Cure Insurance Agency is owned by Mercer County under Murray. A good question IMO, why is Murray blaming Varsity instead of the manager of the county building in his state?
Yeah there were 13,000 new cases today. There are 10 million people in LA County, so that's 0.1%. There are way more cases in LA than the rest of the state. How many cheer gyms are actually in downtown Los Angeles? Any? If I lived in Nevada and California All Stars competed in my state, I really wouldn't be concerned. And like in other areas, the numbers in CA will probably peak and then taper off hopefully sooner than later. There are teams from a lot of different states going to Jamfest Indy next week, hopefully it goes off without a hitch.

The hospitals are putting patients in the gift shop dude. There is no where for grandma to go if she gets sick in California. Cali gyms shouldn’t be going anywhere.

There’s a very real chance that sometime soon a hospitals oxygen delivery system will fail and it will kill everyone in the hospital. I need everyone reading this to understand that could literally happen any day.

The army corps of engineers is being dispatched to hospitals to try and support their O2 delivery systems, but it’s a very real possibility a hospitals oxygen delivery systems could fail at any second. They are not designed to run at this capacity and we’re all crossing our fingers and hoping what happened in Egypt won’t happen here.

This video is my biggest fear. It keeps me up at night. It gives me nightmares, and it could happen here too. Every patient in Covid unit dies after oxygen supply fails in Egypt | Metro News
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