FWIW - the live event held in our state DID require masks for athletes in the entirety of their time within the venue, including warm ups and their performance. Someone even came up to one of my kids right after she had landed a tumbling pass in warm ups and told her to fix her mask because it wasn't covering her nose completely. They also said that if you had a medical exemption to wearing a mask, you just wouldn't be allowed in the building at all, and shields were not acceptable unless you also had a mask on under it.
We had no spectators, and were only allowed three coaches to enter the venue with the team, we met/stood outside (in PA, in December, so it wasn't warm) until our check in time, which was only 10 minutes before we were set to begin warm ups. Things were absolutely enforced, and while it wasn't the same, the only thing the parents were unhappy about was the gun show happening in the building next to us (but still part of the same venue) which was pretty busy judging by the number of cars in the parking lot, but they weren't allowed in to watch their kid for 2:30. (They were totally fine with it from the cheer standpoint, just peeved at the double standard), but clearly Varsity was setting and enforcing rules that were stricter than our states/other events happening at the exact same time and at the same venue.
We were happy with how the event ran, all things considered, and felt very safe from a health standpoint.