as a parent of a young level 4 athlete, in a large gym with dreams of making one of the premier Sr 5 teams in the gym, I am terrified of the amount of money it will cost when she gets there. we are already spending a small fortune with two comps that require flights and a ton of hotel stays. I actually think to myself in X years she could be on one of these teams and I will have X years of having to figure out a way to pay for it. my husband and i make decent money & cheerleading kills us financially and i don't see light at the end of the tunnel.
the premier level 5 teams are attending all of these new "prestigious" competitions that are created to make gyms and teams feel like they have to attend or they are irrelevant. in the 4 years my cp has been cheering it has gone from just Cheersport, NCA & Worlds to all of these I just mentioned plus adding CL, Major's AS Games and others I am prob missing. enough is enough.
all of the excess travel is eliminating athletes from cheerleading. i have had conversations with a few parents of worlds teams at our gym and they said their kid probably isn't going to return next season because it is too expensive. So you have some extremely talented kids that won't be cheering because the travel to all of these new comps and it's absolutely ridiculous.
i understand that EP's want to increase revenue into their business so they say "hey, let's create a new invite only competition and make it seem really exclusive - all the lower levels and smaller gyms will want to come because BIG NAME gym will be there - cha ching! we are gonna make a ton of money!!!!!!!!". and guess what, they have. i have a friend who's cp is on a worlds team at a smaller gym and they called and asked if they could go to AS games - and they are going. so basically the gym owner called and asked for them to go purely so they could get exposure for their gym = bringing in new athletes because they were in the promo for AS games.
so with my total rambling here because it's early and i'm sick - i applaud CSP for saying enough is enough. CEA doesn't need to attend a zillion comps that require air fare. Cheerleading costs enough as it is and all of these added comps are just adding additional costs and pricing out families even more. And i applaud the parents that spoke to her about it because it's about time the parents stand up and put our foot down on the ridiculous costs that keep increasing.