I would never, ever send my child off on a plane without me. Ever.
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I totally understand! To this day I am still FLOORED that my mother allowed me to fly from Tallahassee, Fl to Atlanta, GA to meet my grandparents "half-way" so they didn't have to drive all the way from Oak Ridge, TN. They (my grandparents) wanted me to fly the whole way, but my mom wouldn't let me switch planes- which was a requirement at the time to get to Knoxville (back then anyway!). I loved it! It was like a rollercoaster, lol.
Anyway, my mother had this crazy notion back then about Middle Eastern terrorists hijacking a plane :confused:... the irony. I was 9 and it was 1986 when I flew.
In retrospect, especially knowing my mom, no freakin wonder!!-
In 1972 hijackers threatened to attack Oak Ridge, TN (in case anyone doesn't know there's a nuclear facility there....aka home of the first atomic bomb), even more specifically, threatened to fly the plane into their nuclear reactor.
Then in 1974 another Delta flight was hijacked in Atlanta in an apparent assassination attempt on President Nixon, and there continued to be several hijackings throughout the 70's and 80's...and wait for it, January of 1987 a plane was hijacked in the U.S. by Muslim who was intending to fly the plane into The White House. I had no idea at the time, being 10yrs old. Needless to say I wasn't allowed to fly on my own anymore.
Aside from plane hijackings, I'm actually more concerned to just let my child in any crowded place w/o constant adult supervision- and an airport is one of the worst considering how busy they are and how, for the most part, everyone's in a hurry. Easy to snatch a kid, cop a feel, etc. w/o anyone noticing.