OT Dear Blank, Please Blank

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Dear family,

I wish you understood how much cheering means to me. Because right now, I'm sitting in my room thinking about how much I'm going to cry in the next year because I can't cheer. Why can't you see that cheering isn't just something I like to do? It's a part of me.

Sincerely, finally happy with a team and has to leave a year later. :(
Dear Senior Year,
Really not looking forward to you..
Girl who will no longer be a cheerleader a year from now
Dear Coaches,
I AM FREAKEN FLEXIBLE. I HAVE NEVER NOT BEEN A FLYER. That cow thing is you in my mind-->:deadhorse:
I don't want to be on the ground!:banghead:
Dear people who belive the world will end today,

its just not going to happen, come on now what is this telephone ???

Dear I don't want to be on the ground,

Maybe you're needed on the ground more than you're needed in the air.

It's not always personal
cheeromgbre said:
Dear Mad Props for your crazy "Calendar, Stars Align" Theory you had going on, but this makes so much more sense,


Too much to read.

Dear Too Much To Read,

Summary: @PghxCheer2 rant about SE, Maddie Gardner, WCSS, F5 and the world ending. Much like a lot of her other posts.


Pretty standard really
Thank you for not making the age grid based off your grade if school!
A girl who can (and will) super sr.!
Dear private school that I hate,
If your planning to kick me out in year 12 after I've been there since year 5, you could at east send me a rejection letter and stop ignoring me. After all I didn't have a problem with you until you had your imaginary problems with me...
Love (hate),
The student who has no idea why you chose her to have problems with
Dear The student who has no idea why you chose her to have problems with ,
Come to public school. Once the teachers figure out and remember my name, it will be fun
Public school since kindergarten
Dear public school since kindergarten,
Sounds good to me!
Love, why can't i just go to college?
Dear Ive been asking since March,

Get it pierced right after your last competition, otherwise it sucks.

Had to repierce my nose after every competition for two seasons.
Dear I don't want to wait another year,

I thought so but I got mine pierced in April and still had it closing after 15 minutes in January. But everyone is different, ya just gotta be careful.

Hopefully if you do you'll heal faster than I did.
Dear a fake I.D. would also work,

Good luck :)

I want a picture when it gets done!
Dear team mate who complains/cries about not having any skills and not tumbling in the routine,
Come in extra. And try at practice. You can get your backhandspring, it won't just come magically. Plus, this is a level 5 team.. We got our skills because we worked hard and we won't feel bad for you if you don't try.
I'm just as busy, tired, and sore as you are.

Dear negative nelly,
Stop trying to bring the team down. Don't wait until we're on deck to tell everyone that your stunts are gonna fall or that we're all going to mess up.
Already nervous.

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