Here's how I look at it:
With football they say, "any given Sunday" meaning any team, any week, could beat any other team, any week.
A #7 seed just won the NCAA tournament.
Underdogs work hard, and should be given the chance to shine.
A few years ago, 2010 maybe, I cheered on a Level 4.2 team. Our gym had created one the year before for athletes who didn't make Senior 3 and 4, and had some of us cross to it to make the team a little larger and help improve their skills so they could make a higher team the next year. Well all year long we placed pretty low at every competition and we expected that. We were doing it to train athletes to be better and learn new things. Well we went to U.S. Finals in VA Beach, on whatever their equivalent of an At-Large bid is... and we won. Out of 30 something odd teams. We put on the performance of a lifetime and never in a million years did we expect that outcome at all, but it happens. Why take that opportunity away from someone if they are willing to work hard and accomplish their dreams?