All-Star Did Senior Elite Really Lose Because Of Their Dance?

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Apr 26, 2011
I absolutley love cea senior elite and really wanted them to win, but I do congradulate F5 for winning and think that they are an amazing team. But I've been reading some things on twitter and formspring about senior elite lossing because their dance was too short, does anyone know if this is true?

Ps. Sorry if there is already a thread on this, I searched for it and couldn't find any...but if there is I'll just take this one down
I'm sure you could pick apart any part of the score sheet on where people scored more or less between wcss, cea and f5 and either of the 3 would be stronger in individual areas
The score sheet someone posted they had a lower score in tumbling and dance. (this is not my opinion just what I saw). I think it could have gone to any one of the top 3! They were amazing.
Not posting scores I know they were floating around somewhere but heres a basic break down of 1st 2nd and 3rd for each category

Building: 1st WC 2nd CEA 3rd F5
Tumbling: 1st F5 2nd WC 3rd CEA
Dance: 1st F5 2nd WC 3rd CEA

So F5 won 2 of 3 categories, Stras won 1 category and 2nd in 2 categories. Cea 3rd in two categories and 2nd in one. So I wouldn't say they lost because of their dance. Also all 3 globe winning teams had deductions. If you add the deductions back to the score the placement stays exactly the same F5 WC CEA, so they didn't loose because they dropped a stunt per se either they were just outscored. I think all three teams were great and gave awesome performances. Congrats to all 3 especially to the new World Champs F5!!!
(Coming from a huge CEA fan)

No, they didn't lose because of their dance. Or even because they dropped a stunt. (Didn't 2010 teach us anything?) They did not win because WC and F5 were better on that day when you took into account ALL element of their routine. Congrats to all three. I saw it as a total toss up all season long.
I also don't think they won because of their dance
Not trying to be mean but even if they would have won because of their dance, so what? Dance is a part of a Cheer Routine and if your dance is amazing it should be rewarded!
But again as you can see they also scored higher at tumbling, so i think the question answers itself ;)
Also coming from a huge CEA fan, trust me, I sat with some of the coed elite moms on sunday and we went CRAZY for coed and SE.
It was clear sunday that SS and F5 were the front runners in this division. SE looked amazing on that floor and definitely fought hard to try and move up. All three of these teams had amazing routines and it came down to who was the most polished and who overall was hitting the scoresheet the best. When you have 3 HUGE contenders in a division like this none of them can afford to not hit and not be perfect or hit that scoresheet in every single area (look at sm sr for an example).
I feel they all put on the performance of a lifetime and were amazing. As much as I wanted SE to take home the globe again it wasn't their year. Congrats to F5 on the gold and next year I'm sure the three of them will all out battle for that gold globe again.
I actually commented that F5 secured their win w/ their dance in another thread...the point distribution before dance was:

1. WC - 227.37
2. F5 - 226.50
3. CEA - 226.44

After dance:

1. F5 - 280.03 (Ded. 1.0)
2. WC - 278.20 (Ded. .5, 1.83 from F5)
3. CEA - 275.93 (Ded. 1.0, 2.27 from WC, 4.1 from F5)

The difference in between the scores pre-dance was tiny tiny tiny. After dance, not so much. F5 scored notably higher than WC and SE in dance (54.53 vs 51.33 and 50.50, respectively) which really secured the win for them. That's not to say that dance was any less significant, that someone else should have won, or any other business people might get from this post...just noting that the dance - which is generally not something most people pay much attention to when "judging" (from the sidelines) the routines - put them well above WC and SE. F5 truly had the whole package, while the others may have neglected that area of the scoresheet. That's all :)

Interesting note: no placements were changed due to deductions for these three (so even without the fall, SE would have taken third).

(Such a math person...all these numbers and statistics make me happy)
O...M...G...these are all elements of the scoresheet. Some will outperform in certain areas than others and when it all adds up, guess what....a winner is declared!!!
This year the top 3 were so close you had to be perfect. My perfect team would have Senior Elite stunts, F5 tumbling and WCSS performance. The whole Large Senior division was amazing.
This year the top 3 were so close you had to be perfect. My perfect team would have Senior Elite stunts, F5 tumbling and WCSS performance. The whole Large Senior division was amazing.
Agreed...the end. Congrats to the top three. They were all amazing!!
So from those deductions, it seems like they did not count the issue in the 2nd stunt as a drop? Unless it was factored in somewhere else and not in deductions. Because CEA was the only team day 2 to have a "drop" and they had the same amount of deduction as F5.

Forgive me for not really understanding the World's scoresheet. haha

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