I understand and agree with the current comments regarding the need to reduce the overcrowding at Worlds, but I don't think the two topics should be co-mingled. How they split and schedule divisions could effectively address the overcrowding.
Scholarships, housing and all the other perks being offered are making it possible for more talented cheerleaders trained at smaller gyms to jump ship and relocate to a so-called 'mega gyms'. This isn't going to stop, it is going to continue to become even more prevalent as the 'package' size increases. Ten years ago this was virtually unheard of (or well-hidden). A lot has changed in 10 years. There is no reason to assume this will reverse direction in the next 10 years unless something happens to assist the smaller gyms in just, well, surviving.
I agree with those that say these practices are killing this sport. Having divisions may not be the optimum or the only solution, but at least it shows the smaller gyms that someone is hearing their voice and is willing to make the effort to allow their cheerleaders to be 'winners' too. And honestly, nobody but those cheerleaders and their coaches have the right to determine whether they should consider their win to be as meaningful as someone else's.
Personally, I'm not sure why anyone from a 'mega gym' would oppose this idea. This is just a return to our roots. We (at a gym of 50 or so at the time) were just as thrilled to make finals at UCA in our division 10 years ago - maybe even more thrilled- than we were to make finals our first year at Worlds 4 years later. It didn't diminish the success of the top teams in the larger divisions. But it got us hooked on the sport for life.
I do have one concern with the 0-175 (and even less) numbers I see bantered about here. Am I the only one that thinks that a gym with 200 or even 250 members is not likely to be able to consistently compete against gyms with thousands of athletes to choose from? Yes, I do know there are teams out there that have done and may do this on the odd year out. I just think that the powers-that-be need to do some hard analysis of the numbers to find the right cutoff point. I also assume they have considered that, without my input.