I'll play devils advocate....
Has there been a trial and conviction yet, or are these arrests and allegations at this point (which may be entirely true....or not)?
Maybe it's just me, but I've seen one too many good looking, male teachers with their life/career turned upside down over false accusations that he couldn't defend for the mere fact he was a male and he's guilty before proven innocent. And this is one of the few charges in this country where that reversal of the "American way" seems par for the course.
The last one happened over a girl who asked him out, and he told her no...so, she got mad and leveled allegations. Was he vindicated when the truth came out...yes. Did he have a nightmare to live through and isn't teaching anymore, yes. Did he do a single thing wrong...no. He, in fact, made her mad by turning her down.
So, feel free to speculate, deride, vilify and whatever other verb you'd like to use, (they all may turn out to be very warranted) but in my case...I think I'll wait for a conviction (which requires proof) to pass judgement. Right now, it's just allegations and just because there are multiple ones doesn't (necessarily) lend weight to them.
Flame away.