One time I had a dream that I was at school. I hopped on a school bus and we were going to Worlds. My friends Emily, Paige, Holly, and I were on a bus with Senior Elite. We met Erica Englebert and Maddie Gardner. So we get to Worlds and I meet Tessa from Shooting Stars. She comes to me screaming and crying that Brooke Sparacio fell off of a double down and sprained her gluteus maximus (butt). They needed an alternate. Courtney Pope used her magic wand and put me into a World Cup uniform. Okay, so the music starts. I'm basing Kelsey Rule (Don't know why I'm basing Kelsey if I'm replacing Brooke... weird.) So I drop Kelsey, and they stop the music. The announcer said to stop the routine because llamas were running across the competition mat. Then Matt Smith carried me off the mat and told me that my spandex looked awkward. Then I woke up. Weirdest dream I ever had. I don't know how I remembered it.