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My 2 oldest kids like eating in the morning but don't care for "breakfast foods" They'll eat Salad, pizza, leftover chinese (LOL), baked potato with some chicken....any kind of leftovers.
The only kinds of cereals I like:

Cooookie Crisp
Cap N Crunch (peanut butter) lol (also the Chocco Crunch and Oops all Berries)
Cocoa pebbles
Cocoa puffs
Fruity pebbles
Cinnamon toast crunch
Lucky charms but honestly I just like the marshmallows!

Lol does anyone notice a problem here?

Ok here is the super fat side of me

If u ever have fresh chocolate brownies put them like 1 or 2 in a bowl and dump the Nesquick cereal on top of them. Then get some chocolate syrup and squirt sparingly over the cereal. Add milk and it's like a new dessert! Promise its like chocolate delight!

Ok here is the super fat side of me

If u ever have fresh chocolate brownies put them like 1 or 2 in a bowl and dump the Nesquick cereal on top of them. Then get some chocolate syrup and squirt sparingly over the cereal. Add milk and it's like a new dessert! Promise its like chocolate delight!
Oooooh, that sounds sooooo yummmy. Sinful, but so worth the guilt. :D
I hate soggy cereal too. Makes me gag. I pour milk in 1 bowl and fill another bowl up with cereal. I shake enough cereal for about 3 mouthful's into the milk and eat it. Shake more and eat it. Shake more and eat it. Disclaimer.......... I can do this you see because I do all the dishes in my house. I do not suggest any kids do this without consulting your Mother's. (Or whoever washes the dishes in your house)

I also have to eat with a tablespoon and not some piddly teaspoon.....and cereal is only good if you can eat it with your mouth open and crunch it loud. I'm always like......"Excuse me while I go to the other room to rudely eat my cereal"

Haha that is the most complicated way of eating cereal I've ever heard! :P

My 2 oldest kids like eating in the morning but don't care for "breakfast foods" They'll eat Salad, pizza, leftover chinese (LOL), baked potato with some chicken....any kind of leftovers.

My brothers' rules for breakfast food = leftover dinner + on toast (the toast is what makes it breakfast food, apparently) ;)
I'm weird, because my body/brain has like some unwritten rule that I HAVE to eat breakfast before I eat lunch. I don't care what time I actually drag myself out of bed, but I'm eating breakfast first (even if it's just a yogurt cup).

Favorite cereal of all time? Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Cinnabon Cereal (that's kinda cheating, because Cinnabon is one of my favorite foods so it's unfair that it's also a cereal lol). Cap'n Crunch, French Toast Crunch (woe to them for getting rid of it!), basically all chocolate cereals (not a big fan of Oreo O's), Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Mini Wheats (all the flavored ones too), Frosted Flakes, Corn Flakes, Bran Flakes (Yes, I go from Cinnabon Cereal to Bran Flakes. I'm that baller), NOT a huge honey bunches of oats fan. I LOVE oatmeal though. Mmmm..
Regular Cheerios with orange juice is probably my biggest guilty pleasure. Im super specific about the orange juice though. It has to be pretty sour and no pulp. Most popular brand names wont make the cut. Its usually the generic brand in the jug that I like.
I had a dream last night that I couldn't do a forward roll.... woke up crying. I classified it to my Mother as a nightmare when she asked what was wrong.

& I HIGHLY suggest you mix Peanut Butter Cheerios with Chocolate Cheerios.

First bite trying it and I promise you'll be like :jawdrop:
I think Marshmallow Treasures (generic) are better than Lucky Charms. They have more marshmallows!
OMG I need to stop reading this thread. I now have about 5 boxes of crap cereals in my pantry (and now I want the peanut butter and chocolate Cheerios to mix!).
My mom works at general mills and she did this one time for my uncle. She made a bowl of cereal (the kind you find at hotels) and shipped it to him.
When I was little I wanted to work at General Mills because i'd pass it every morning and it smelled soooo goood.
About 12 years ago, I got a hankering for Frosted Flakes. No idea why. But I ate them for lunch at work almost every single day for a year. Then it went away and I haven't eaten them since.

About 12 years ago, I got a hankering for Frosted Flakes. No idea why. But I ate them for lunch at work almost every single day for a year. Then it went away and I haven't eaten them since.


I go through phases like that too! My most recent one was banana bread... now I can't touch the stuff.