All-Star Fierce Board Withdrawal?

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Definitely. Although it's a curse of NYC- milk seems to spoil faster here. Probably due to the horrendous air quality. Or it's my pretty-much-broken fridge.

i work at a grocery store in Maine and a guy came in and I didn't bag up his milk. and hes like its so weird it seems like new york is the only place that bags milk. haha totally irrelavant but whatevs haha
I love that this has turned into a discussion about cereal! :P Haha.

I just have to note how funny it is to me that its getting cold there. Like it doesnt process in my brain correctly that you have winter in our summer.

Haha yes - I get that a lot! I'm heading to the US in 2 weeks actually so summer soon for meee as well! :D I get to skip our winter this year!
i work at a grocery store in Maine and a guy came in and I didn't bag up his milk. and hes like its so weird it seems like new york is the only place that bags milk. haha totally irrelavant but whatevs haha
haha we double bag it in the south ;)
I just like how out of all the things Matt Smith could have said to you, he said that your spandex looked awkward.

I have odd dreams. Haha. I was hoping he'd say something like...
"You're an awesome cheerleader and you're super pretty."
Swoon. Too bad he lives in Arkansas, is three years older than me, and doesn't even acknowledge my existence.
I like chocolatey delight Special K. But I just pick all the chocolate out.
The chocolate in that tastes like wax. Not a fan.

But I loooove special K. Pretty much all the flavors (except the chocolate one). Im guilty of being obsessed with Captain Crunch but I hardly ever eat it so when I do I feel like its okay (:
Older me - Hunny Bunches of Oats - the almond honey kind

Young me - peanut butter crunch, frosted flakes - my mom did make me eat Special K every once in a while and I'd sneak a couple spoons of sugar on it. Looking back it was so bad but it tasted good to me

Oh, read the labels on some of the "Adult" cereals a while back and they had more sugar then Frosted Flakes so.....
i like the strawberry yogurt cheerios (without milk...) i'm lactose intolerant so its my cheat every once in awhile... as long as you all don't tell my dr ;) speaking of being lactose intolerant... did you all know fast food french fries have milk in them? yup... it makes them crunchy or something. whatever.. i was so sad when i found this out!

So I remedied my milk trying out almond milk. We'll see if I like it, but I'm hoping it has a better shelf life than regular milk. Watch me be horribly wrong :(
ALMOND MILK IS SO GOOD. Expecially in cereal. Lactose Intolerant wins.:D
kristenthegreat whatever you do, do NOT get silk brand soy milk! That stuff tastes like bags of sugar mixed into watered down milk! I get headaches from sweet stuff pretty easily, and man...I almost had a migraine when i tasted that stuff!!
Ultra-Pasteurized milk lasts WAY longer than regular milk. The expiration date is literally like a month and a half out.
And Oops All Berries. Just sayin.

Nothing Oops about that!! It was a genius idea in my opinion.

We go through a ridiculous amount of cereal.....and just get's worse the warmer it get's outside. Oops, Honey Bunches of Oats and Golden Grahams (with no milk.....just eat out of a bowl like crackers. YUMMMYYYY)

My little bit.....frosty flakes as she calls them, Apple Jacks and Lucky Charms.

Edited to add we both love those little frosted mini wheats....again....with no milk...just eating them like chips or crackers straight out of the box.
Sadly, the only reason we would steal a pickup would be to get to the "fierce house" on time. I believe in this dream...

Did you know there's a real place called the "FierceHouse"?

It's in PA. We've always called the coaches from Hot Cheer's condo "The FierceHouse" because in the summer there is no telling how many cheerleaders from just about any gym will be camped out on their sofa/floors.
I always tell my friends that they have to try the oatmeal squares cause they hardly get soggy! And yes, I really do I express that much excitement when I find a cereal that tastes delicious and hardly ever ends up soggy and gross, lol.

I hate soggy cereal too. Makes me gag. I pour milk in 1 bowl and fill another bowl up with cereal. I shake enough cereal for about 3 mouthful's into the milk and eat it. Shake more and eat it. Shake more and eat it. Disclaimer.......... I can do this you see because I do all the dishes in my house. I do not suggest any kids do this without consulting your Mother's. (Or whoever washes the dishes in your house)

I also have to eat with a tablespoon and not some piddly teaspoon.....and cereal is only good if you can eat it with your mouth open and crunch it loud. I'm always like......"Excuse me while I go to the other room to rudely eat my cereal"
I hate bfast foods but coco puffs are good. For bfast i usually eat a burrioto or salad. Or pizza just non bfast foods. i hate the way milk tastes i like soy milk.