All-Star Fishing For Compliments

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It's all in the delivery - like someone else said. Difference between pride and fishing. Subtle, but there.

At any rate, it's all better than making your own cheer bow, signing it, and selling it via Twitter ;)
My son posted this on Facebook last summer:
"Whenever I see a picture a girl uploaded that says "rough", "I look ugly", whatever, I just want to say, "Then why did you upload the picture if you thought it was a bad pic? Ohhh, you just want to hear everyone tell you how pretty and not ugly you are. Well that just makes you seem ugly to me."
OMG. The WORST. Don't you want to punch them and just be like, THEN DON'T MAKE IT YOUR PROFILE PICTURE, YOU IDIOT!"
Yes!! I can't stand it. And it's always a picture where they actually look pretty. Or it's like the one faker girl that is always "hurt" and is fishing for sympathy. BuegeSmalls does not do fake sympathy. Ever. I'd probably accidentally trip over your "sprained ankle"...oppsie.
*has perfect overextended needle and posts picture of it on instagram*
"Eww this is bad. Tips?"

Or the 5 billion posts of pictures with the "Eww I look fat" on the description... like no. You're a 12 year old twig.

If I unfollowed everyone who annoyed me I'd probably only be following like 20 people.
Am I the only one that is really annoyed by people coming onto fierceboard and OBVIOUSLY being affiliated with a gym and posting about them repeatedly?
Don't start a new thread and post "What do you think about this team? I think they're pretty amazing!" when it's SO obvious that you're from there. It's tacky.
Also, if you've made comments where you basically tell everyone where you're from- DON'T COMMENT ON SAID TEAM AND TELL EVERYONE HOW FIERCE THEIR DANCE
Y'all. I'm gonna lose it.
its so obvious yoour talking about my comment, when I said it was my favorite dance so far. I prob should have been more clear it is my fav dance so far in my cheer years for me, I didnt know I need to be specific, If I like something, love something I have the right to brag , post, comment any way I like. I dont need to fish for any comments, but I can comment just like anyone else, I wasnt intending to offend anyone. But Obviously I am going to be partial to my gym or any of its teams. I rather be more vague than to braggy when the season is just starting. Just saying and no one should have to justify anything.
Am I the only one that is really annoyed by people coming onto fierceboard and OBVIOUSLY being affiliated with a gym and posting about them repeatedly?
Don't start a new thread and post "What do you think about this team? I think they're pretty amazing!" when it's SO obvious that you're from there. It's tacky.
Also, if you've made comments where you basically tell everyone where you're from- DON'T COMMENT ON SAID TEAM AND TELL EVERYONE HOW FIERCE THEIR DANCE
Y'all. I'm gonna lose it.
and this is a new epiphany for you? LOL You have over 5000 shimmies....I feel for you if you have been holding it in for this long. Just do what I do when I see these ridiculously obvious groveling for compliments: give them the :cow: It is sometimes so satisfying I have to :shimmy::p
and this is a new epiphany for you? LOL You have over 5000 shimmies....I feel for you if you have been holding it in for this long. Just do what I do when I see these ridiculously obvious groveling for compliments: give them the :cow: It is sometimes so satisfying I have to :shimmy::p

Lol it's just been excessive with tons of different people lately.

yourfavoritebackspot I'm not offended, and you shouldn't justify it if you don't feel like you have to....
Lol it's just been excessive with tons of different people lately.

yourfavoritebackspot I'm not offended, and you shouldn't justify it if you don't feel like you have to....
your right, but I felt I needed to address it becaise that wasnt the case at all. Its to early in the season to brag so I really just thought this was a easier way to say how I love a particular part of the routine. Oh well moving on
Not going to lie, I do that with PCM sometimes. Used to cheer there before college, now at Desert Storm, I'm happy for them. I understand some people have great things to say about my current and past program, and others don't. Yes, I think a dance is fierce from time to time, or I'm happy because my sister is killing it on Fantasy, but I am also able to stand back and say what's wrong. The last thing I want is a compliment for me or my families (aka DS or PCM).
you know what else is aggravating?? "OMG I feel fat. I went up from a size 0 to a size 1 I can't believe I'm not a 0 anymore." Okay well I haven't been a size zero, like, ever, so don't complain to me about it so I can tell you how skinny you are. Because it's not going to happen.
There used to be a girl on my cheer team who would be (to everyone) like "OMG you're soooo pretty." "thanks" "I'm sooo jealous I wish I could be as pretty as you. It's not even fair, like, can you share some of your gorgeousness? I definitely need it" and she would just go ON AND ON. :banghead: like you really need to stop. That's the LEAST subtle way you could try to get a compliment.

ETA: I think being proud of your routine or uniform or whatever is WAY different than begging for compliments. Most of the time on here, people really are just showing their routine, asking for pointers, etc, but then there are those people who are like "THIS IS FIERCE" and their gym name is in their username and then they get offended by every little pointer people give them.... If you're going to be offended by constructive criticism, don't post on fierceboard. (occasionally there are rude comments, but most of the time I think we're pretty constructive people)
thank God that i am just ordinary person who loves cheerleading :) not affilated at all with any gym :) well, i always try to give compliment and critique fairly if i want to comment on any video or picture on board.