Our last comp is Xtreme Spirit at Navy Pier in Chicago. I think we don't do US Finals because of cost/travel? This is a new gym for us, so I'm not really sure. Went to US Finals last year and LOVED it--we lived in VB, so obviously we went to that one. But that's the one I'd want to go to anyway because I think it's the biggest? Last year there were 600 teams there, and the website says they had 1400 teams at all their events together.
I'm noticing a lot of people on here saying DC though. Do they have it there every year too?
hopskipandjump Why don't you want to go to VB again? Just curious--having lived there so long, I sometimes wonder why people would ever want to go there at all, but other times I wonder what makes people not want to go back. Is it VB you didn't want to do again, or US Finals at VB?