From reading these rule change proposals, I think it is safe to characterize the first two as recommending elimination of the Youth L5 division and the last 3 as restrictions on the skills thrown by the Youth L5 division but keeping the division. The first 2 are by NJ gyms who I have no idea whether or not they have some association with WC or they are acting totally independently and the last 3 by the WC staff themselves. They all appear to cite questions of safety and seem to imply from my reading that there is a perception that Youth aged athletes are more susceptable to injuries due to poor progression of skill development I assume making it more likely that they at risk for injury. So I have some questions.
1. Do we have valid data about injury rates in cheerleading, especially in the all star division since this is where the rules are to be implemented?
2. Have we catergorized the injury types and calculated the actual rates? Are the injuries more likely to be due to tumbling, building or dance (you never know with how kids dance these days)
3. What are these injury rates as compared to a similar activity such as competitive gymnastics? Do they have data for safety concerning progression, teaching accredidation, etc that we can extrapoate some assumptions from?
4. What injury occured, at what age, at what level, and specifically what was the activity occuring with the injury.
5. Where and when do the injuries occur? What type of gyms, competitions, exhibitions? Are there certain gyms that have rates of injury out of the range, specifically low or high?
Instead of passing rules restrictling athletes in any particular division or level based on conjecture and assumption, how about collecting some data and make decisions based on the tried and true method of analysis. IF we can agree that cheerleading seems to have a high level of injury, why are we assuming that it is the Youth division that is the most vulnerable? And, if the rules need to be changed without any objective data, why not make the same proposed changes concerning safety for all divisions? My suspicion is that some of this is available, as insurance companies do write policies for gyms and I'll bet they have data to base their rates on for the customer. BUT, I strongly suspect that no one has done anywhere near the research to single out one specific division for these type of changes. I would charge those pushing for the changes to back their assumptions up with some objective proof that their observations or valid, and their changes will help alleviate the problem. Otherwise, it looks to me like a random act for unknown purposes, AND IT IS POSSIBLE THEY ARE WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE ON THE SURFACE FOR SAFETY, but apparently Courtney feels differently and has expressed that opinion here, or facebook, or wherever.
Table the thing and study it and change the industry incrementally using sound analysis with appropriate time to give everyone a chance to adapt.