So I was at BATB and my kids team hit zero in Arena A both days. I don’t know how or if they rotate judges, but there was something called an “athlete error” that was mentioned to them to fix after day 1. They fixed it, and had the best performance of their entire season yesterday. We just knew their score would break 96 for the first time this season, a huge accomplishment with upgrades competed for the first time this season.
Instead, after a huge improvement in Day 1 in terms of performance, cleanliness of routine, energy, timing.....their score increased by .13. However, another team hit zero both days, and their day 1 to day 2 increased over a point....taking them from 3rd to 1st (we got 2nd). After rewatching the routines everyone is like “both teams performed the same routine as day 1, both teams stepped up performance and technique day what justified over a point for one and not even a quarter of a point for another?” As a side note, this was one of our lowest hit zero scores of the season, even with upgrades....
So while I agree with the “life isn’t fair, stop throwing fits” statements, and while I agree with the “find the proper channels to influence change”....lets be real. People who CAN influence change have been asking for transparency and consistency for a long time...I’m talking TG, CA, CEA, WC, Rays....this isn’t new. My kid has been in allstar for 8 years, from level 2 to level 5....and while I can’t speak to the validity of this particular complaint with GI Pros, I can say that after a while, after begging for change, after having faith in Varsity and USASF to do the “right” just gets old. Maybe it wasn’t the mature or adult move to make, but maybe they were just tired of working their butts off to be judged inconsistently compared to other teams in the same division. I know our kids are.
ETA: I did give my kid the “this is a life lesson, sometimes you give it your all and it’s still not good enough” which she replied “Well, that just sucks.” Amen kid, amen.
*These statements are not the opinions of any particular gym, just a broke, exhausted, and “not as stupid as you think” cheer mom.*