All-Star Grammar Thread - Have At It

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Just pronunciation but I haaaate when people pronounce "aunt" like "ant"
There is a u there for a reason!

Eta: warsh is also so annoying and a problem I run into daily... If you know my name you understand ;)
Living in Iowa, I hear a lot of "warsh your hands". I still have no clue how that became a thing. I remember visiting my grandparents before we moved and thinking they were crazy.
Have a coworker who was born, raised, and still living in NY that also says 'warsh'
Have a coworker who was born, raised, and still living in NY that also says 'warsh'
Oh weird! I didn't know that it was more than just a Midwestern thing. New York has their own set of pronunciation issues;)
My Daddy was from southern Illinois (SILENT "S," y'all) and warshed his hands in Missouruh (the state next-door.)
And any true Midwesterner knows the cities of Loo-vul (KY) and In-din-apolis.
It kills me when people pronounce the S! Also, El-doh-rah-doh. We pronounce it El-doh-ray-doh. We know it's wrong. We're not going to change it. We don't care #217Probs
I hate when people say oncet or twicet. No t!!! A lady i work with always says it that way.
Sir-rup and I hate when people say seerup! Another thing I hate... One time I was baking with a friend and the recipe called for maple syrup and she tried to put that fake "mrs butterworth" type syrup in and I was like "no!" And she was like "what, it's syrup...." *facepalm*
My relatives on my dads side make real maple syrup so I'm kind of a syrup snob. I can't deal with the fake stuff. I need real syrup! Most people I know use the fake stuff though. Blehhh


Yes, and it's also Car-muhl , not Care-a-mell.

No it's not!
There's a difference between regional pronunciation differences, and mis-pronunciations. Some regional differences bug me (see-rup and care-a-mell), but I recognize that they're not "wrong" per se.

I am getting the impression in this thread, though, that some people think that certain regional differences are true mis-pronunciations. Those people should get over themselves. ;-)
"I can't even" can't even what??? THAT'S NOT A COMPLETE SENTENCE!

I'm so shocked by this. I can't even.

Either add it to all checks or not at all. Out of curiosity, how do you know? Do you just add it to anyone with an accent? Do you ask?
I ask in a roundabout way. 'What brings you here today? Are you traveling?' If I'm ever NOT 110% sure, I don't. We have guests who come in who don't speak ANY English. Luckily, if it's Spanish/French/Italian/Turkish/Russian, we've got people on staff who speak those languages (I'm specifically sent to help with French/Italian tables because I'm the only one who speaks either). I suck it up when it's bad. My shifts also depend on my tip percentage: if I'm pulling below 18%, I'll have a meeting with my bosses and my shifts could be cut. Every time I get anything less than 18%, I explain to my manager right away so he can write it in the report they file every night.

The federal government just changed the laws about adding it to all checks on a restaurant. Something about how auto-grats are processed, but it made everything VERY convoluted/impossible, so most of the restaurants who used to (in Times Square where my roommate used to work) stopped doing it altogether on ANY policy. A lot of places have lost servers that way- tips started dropping, earnings went down, people left. The IRS says it's for cracking down on restaurant wage theft..

Here's the part that always made me :confused:: Our owners are foreign. They're both from Turkey. They allow/highly encourage it. Like I said- I don't like doing it. And if people ask to take it off, I will without question or complaint. But you get burned on enough big checks, people stop caring.

On the grammar front: every time I see cinnamon, I think of that Apple Jacks commercial "Here I come I am cinnamon!'

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