All-Star Grammar Thread - Have At It

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I know someone who says "fo-ward" instead of "forward".
I ask in a roundabout way. 'What brings you here today? Are you traveling?' If I'm ever NOT 110% sure, I don't. We have guests who come in who don't speak ANY English. Luckily, if it's Spanish/French/Italian/Turkish/Russian, we've got people on staff who speak those languages (I'm specifically sent to help with French/Italian tables because I'm the only one who speaks either). I suck it up when it's bad. My shifts also depend on my tip percentage: if I'm pulling below 18%, I'll have a meeting with my bosses and my shifts could be cut. Every time I get anything less than 18%, I explain to my manager right away so he can write it in the report they file every night.

The federal government just changed the laws about adding it to all checks on a restaurant. Something about how auto-grats are processed, but it made everything VERY convoluted/impossible, so most of the restaurants who used to (in Times Square where my roommate used to work) stopped doing it altogether on ANY policy. A lot of places have lost servers that way- tips started dropping, earnings went down, people left. The IRS says it's for cracking down on restaurant wage theft..

Here's the part that always made me :confused:: Our owners are foreign. They're both from Turkey. They allow/highly encourage it. Like I said- I don't like doing it. And if people ask to take it off, I will without question or complaint. But you get burned on enough big checks, people stop caring.

On the grammar front: every time I see cinnamon, I think of that Apple Jacks commercial "Here I come I am cinnamon!'

Yeah I know they changed the laws - My understanding was that if it's added, it now has to be added to the server's paycheck instead of given to them in cash at the end of shift. Not sure how that makes it OK if the customer is foreign. Just sounds pretty discriminatory and most definitely not legal.

I've waited tables for over 20 years, so I get the whole concept. Trust me - in 20 years I've probably been burned on more big checks than your whole staff combined. I mean it's not Times Square, but Virginia Beach gets its fair share of tourists, so I get wanting to do it.

Just never heard of a place where you can pick and choose which "types" of people you think won't tip and autograt them! I can't imagine the mayhem if this were actually the way it worked everywhere.

This sounds like the worst place to work, ever. I wish an owner would try to meet with me about me not making enough money. I'd seriously say, "Oh good idea. Yes, let's talk about why YOUR business is not getting me good customers so I can earn a living." Because really, like you said earlier, 9 out of 10 people knew what they were going to tip me before I ever set foot near their table. If they're not tipping it's because they suck, not me.

Lol... I hijacked the grammar thread that was started to keep us from hijacking threads. :p
Pronunciation is a whole other issue lol. A few were already mentioned.

Tyanol instead of Tylenol
Ambalance instead of ambulance
Ax instead of ask
Q-pon instead of coupon

My good friend/co-worker and I have been having this argument lately about how to pronounce coupon. I say koo-pon and she says Q-pon!

can not/cannot
a lot/alot (or misuse of "allot")
I have no suggestions, just happy there isn't a lot of ways to mispelt shark.

I was an engineering major and fly planes for a living so I know my grammar is prolly not good. I blame all my mistakes on autocorrect. . . I'm that person who reads many phrases and words and changes them because they "look funny". . . I also change the word/fraze if I'm not sure.

Great thread. I also learned plenty about tipping.
I have no suggestions, just happy there isn't a lot of ways to mispelt shark.

I was an engineering major and fly planes for a living so I know my grammar is prolly not good. I blame all my mistakes on autocorrect. . . I'm that person who reads many phrases and words and changes them because they "look funny". . . I also change the word/fraze if I'm not sure.

Great thread. I also learned plenty about tipping.

You learnt alot... ;)
My Daddy was from southern Illinois (SILENT "S," y'all) and warshed his hands in Missouruh (the state next-door.)
And any true Midwesterner knows the cities of Loo-vul (KY) and In-din-apolis.
How else could you possibly pronounce Loo-vul? ;)
How else could you possibly pronounce Loo-vul? ;)

lou-ey-ville... exactly how it is spelled? lol I only now say "loo-vul" because I know people actually from there who corrected me. just like I now have a friend from virginia who argues with me about the appa-LAY-shun mountains versus appa-LISH-an. I have always used the first pronunciation, but she uses the latter. and since she is actually from there and went to ASU, I take her word for it.

I still think my pronunciations of both places were correct, but oh well.
lou-ey-ville... exactly how it is spelled? lol I only now say "loo-vul" because I know people actually from there who corrected me. just like I now have a friend from virginia who argues with me about the appa-LAY-shun mountains versus appa-LISH-an. I have always used the first pronunciation, but she uses the latter. and since she is actually from there and went to ASU, I take her word for it.

I still think my pronunciations of both places were correct, but oh well.
I was kidding.
Q-pon is not wrong. Nor is coo-pon. I think that's just a regional difference.
Oh, ok, sorry then. I looked it up before I posted it to make sure and listened to a pronunciation from Merriam-Webster and it said coo-pon was the correct way to pronounce it.

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