All-Star How Old Were You When You Threw Your First Back Handspring? Full?

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Backhandspring: 11
RO tuck: 12
RO BHS Tuck: 13 (mental block on and off which slowed my progression to layout, along with injuries)
Standing tuck: 16 (mental block)
Layout: 16
Half on tramp: 15
No full yet...
Standing Backhand spring- 9
Round off backhand spring- 9
Round off series-9
Front handspring- 10
Full (on trampoline) - 10 almost 11
Round off backhand spring back tuck-11
Front handspring front tuck & layout - 12

Began Cheer-
Round off back handspring layout- 12
Punch front through to layout-12
Round off back handspring Full 12
Standing tuck-13
Fell on my arm and fractured my elbow doing a full.(I freaked out in the middle) Now getting my confidence back to do my full again
Cp could do up to a layout by the later age of 7yrs or early 8yrs (she'll be 9yrs at the end of summer). That was after one 1 and 1/2 years of cheer/tumbling. But in the last few months she has regressed and can barely do her backhand spring :( The coach really worked them hard this year, long no break practices. Went for a month where they practiced almost everyday. Anyway, I think it just got to her and stressed her (and me) to much (I didn't agree with the hard past 9pm practices). But their are now new gym owners, today she was playing at the gym with their daughter and did her backhandspring :) So, I think the key is to relax and have fun.
Cp could do up to a layout by the later age of 7yrs or early 8yrs (she'll be 9yrs at the end of summer). That was after one 1 and 1/2 years of cheer/tumbling. But in the last few months she has regressed and can barely do her backhand spring :( The coach really worked them hard this year, long no break practices. Went for a month where they practiced almost everyday. Anyway, I think it just got to her and stressed her (and me) to much (I didn't agree with the hard past 9pm practices). But their are now new gym owners, today she was playing at the gym with their daughter and did her backhandspring :) So, I think the key is to relax and have fun.
Just tell her not to think about not being able to throw it! Tell her she can do it and maybe even show her videos from the past when she was able to throw more than a BHS. Also closing you eyes and imagining yourself do it in your head helps! Good luck and I hope she gets everything back!
BHS - 11(ish)
Running tuck - 17
Standing tuck - 17
Two to tuck - 17
Two to layout (w/ light bump) - 18
Running layout - 18
Jumps to tuck - 18
Full - LOL. I'm trying on the tumble trak tho. :/

I started advanced tumbling late. :(
Just went through my CPs old school work where she listed as her goal was to get a back handspring (this was second grade when she was just tumbling not cheering yet). She started cheering in 3rd and did reach that goal pretty quickly - it was cute seeing her writing about it back then :)
My cp
Started cheering right after she turned 5 (11 months ago)
And in this time she has got her cartwheel, ro, back walkover, BHS all standing and running.
At practice here lately been working on toe touch BHS & ro BHS.
She has them but still working on perfecting it. Next I'm guessing is going to be BHS in series.
Maybe even this dreaded front walkover - it would be so good if only she could bring herself up out of it! :)
I'm really excited for her to learn tucks too!

Btw, I loved reading this thread it's amazing how different people can progress!! Good luck to all of y'all!

Update with all skills :

Age 5
Cartwheel and round-off
Back walkover
Standing bhs

Age 6
Standing and running series BHS's
Front walkover
Standing and running Specialty (back/front walkovers and step
Outs) through to BHS's
Running Ro BHS tuck

Age 7
Power hurdle round off bhs tuck and running round off tuck
Power hurdle round off 2 bhs tuck
All specialty passes running through to tuck
Running ro bhs layout
Standing tumbling through to tuck like
Standing 2 to tuck
Standing 1 to tuck
Standing back walkover, bhs step out, front walkover round off 2 bhs tuck
Standing tuck
Standing bhs bhs layout

(Every time she completes a new skill she hasn't done before even if its just a different pass made up I record the date and pass/skill on A notepad.. I tried to condense as much as possible .. Sorry) lol

Next up is the full - she kind of struggles on it ..
This video is not really recent but its looked the same for months besides like the first week she has worked on it)

RO tuck-9
RO bhs tuck- 10
layout- 12
standing bhs tuck- 12
standing tuck-13
jumps to tuck- 16
two to layout- 17
still working to get a full at 18...
BHS- 12
Tuck- 12
Layout- 13
Full- 14
Standing Full- 14
Double- 14

I got a standing full and double only 2 weeks after I landed my first full. I even started working on many specialties to doubles. But after an injury I could never do my double again.
BHS- 11
Tuck-13 through 19 ( I had a really bad tumbling block all the time, so I would have it, then I wouldn't)
BHS Tuck-see above
BHS layout-17
Round off tuck- 8 (taught myself, never competed)
Backhandspring- 17
My cp is 8

5 Standing and ro bhs
6 running tuck
7 standing tuck, layout, punch front, fhs, aerial

She landed her full once a week after her 8th bday. It was right before 3 consecutive weekend competitions and she only does tumbling classes on Saturday. (she's never had privates). So, she hasn't done it since. They haven't been working on it with her anymore, either, I believe becuz she's doing level 3 tryouts right now. It's ok with both of us, though because she has nothing but time and she really needs to work on and perfect the skills she has.

Since thread has been resurrected, I'm going to update since it's been almost 2 years. She never lost that full she landed the one time at age 8, but it did get prettier...LOL.

8: Punch front step out and whip (both through to tuck/layout)

9: Arabian, punch front step out and whip through to full, standing three, two and one to full. standing whip to full. Running Whip punch full (and tuck and layout). She also learned to tumble out of a standing tuck

10: She has landed a RO BHS double twice. and has been working on that standing full for nine months and seems to be an inch away and still hasn't landed it.
4- cartwheels and round offs
5-back walkover with RO to BW
6-standing BW to BH running RO double BH and Running RO BH step out
7-consistent front walk over she had it on and off until the beginning of the season she finally got it solid . Running RO BH tuck, standing 2 to a tuck, RO BH to a Layout and working her running punch front, almost there and standing tuck is getting close but not quite there. Oh and almost forgot her aerial! I think that's everything...

Apparently 7 was the magic year!

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