All-Star Iep Release Statement

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So basically Varsity controls the board. Regardless of what goes down, they win because they can push through whatever changes they want by having numbers on their side. Even if every other member voted no it wouldn't be enough. I really hope our gym decides to boycott them this season, I'll miss NCA but now if I go I'll feel like a need to take a shower after.
okay, so pardon me if this is a stupid question... but me and a few "alumni" allstars were trying to figure it out. essentially, if a company isn't a USASF company, they don't have to play by their rules? am I understanding this correctly? because with all this going on, I figured there would be companies that say "I don't want to play by your rules, so I'll play by my own". and THAT frustrates me only because we have worked so hard to get some organization in this sport, and all this chaos is just destroying all of it....
Varsity must go. I feel that an EP needs to step away from Varsity and their corrupt ways and save this sport. Varsity and all of their brands have proved they can no longer be trusted. They are to big and feel they can do whatever they want. We must stay strong during this fight. The only thing they understand is money. They do not care about us or our kids, these changes have clearly shown that. We have to hit them where it hurts, and that is their pocket books. It is clear that you will never win a vote with that board and their majority. Tine for change, like Courtney said start over.
The real issue here is not the rules they imposed (at least some of them), it's that A) they were shady and sneaky without involving key organizations in the cheer community B) they are not solving the REAL issue with this rules. Offer proper training and certification. I know some folks with level 5 certification that just should not have it...end of story.

The way this came out is as if the President of the United States, and his cabinet, decided a democratic society was not best for us and it would become a dictatorship. I know a bit dramatic but that was my first response. Not the rules themselves but how it was shoved down everyones throat without thought, input, debate and consideration. I am all for making the sport safer and keep progressing. This was not the way to go about it.

It just disgusts me and again, I have absolutely no respect or faith in the USASF.
And furthermore, (yes I am still on my soapbox), I know of a situation at NCA All Star Nationals 2012 that involved cheating. 3 gyms (one with no interest in the division) provided solid evidence and NCA/Varsity has chosen to ignore it, even acknowledging the information they were provided by the cheating gym to support their athlete competing is fake.

That's the kind of BS I'm talking about. So USASF get off your pedestal and join the rest of us down here.
Lots of speculation going around on these boards as well as other social media. But who really IS to blame for the shadiness of what went down two days ago? It's not even JUST the stupidity of most of those rules, but it's the process by which they were "passed". Who passed it? How many were required to pass them? My sources say it had to be the EPs (not the IEPs, I mean Varsity, Jambrands and Cheersport) and the head of the NACCC (which would be Elaine Pascale). And that it did NOT have to be unanimous or even a majority to get these "passed". If we want things to change and have more transparency in this process and avoid these "secret" meetings and phone calls and rules votes, we need to speak up and cry out for change. SOMEONE will listen. Contact THESE people and let them know how you feel about what has happened and that it can't happen again. They are who is responsible for what happened THEN someone HAS to listen I would think. These changes were FORCED upon the USASF, not voted on or originated by the USASF. Knowing that Les Stella, THE rules person for the USASF was not a part of this process speaks volumes as to the fact that USASF did not do this, the EPs and the head of the NACCC were who did this.
Well lets be honest, varsity OWNS these competition companies. Jeff Webb is not going to just say 'ok company xyz you don't like what we are doing, you can leave' nope. They bought up all those companies and now anyone that would want to leave would need to do so on their own.
Granted any IEP that does not agree with the USASF can leave and I do believe that they would have attendance at comps if these rules do not get passed back to normal.
This has been on of the most fustrating part that BlueCat has stated that he and the others involved at the meeting are not a liberty to discuss...I don't understand why not....I have so much respect for his opinion and always appreciate that he is willing to come on and answer any questions, I wish the members of the board were not so handcuffed when it comes to an open discussion of the meeting.
Someone just said that Cheer Ltd. who presented these findings to the board joined the Varsity Family Plan on 3/2, breaking ties with the IEP. Hmm....
Dear IEP,
I recommend you start your OWN rules writing, age grid policies and appropriate dance move policies ASAP!

Most of what everyone wants is right here on this board, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
And furthermore, (yes I am still on my soapbox), I know of a situation at NCA All Star Nationals 2012 that involved cheating. 3 gyms (one with no interest in the division) provided solid evidence and NCA/Varsity has chosen to ignore it, even acknowledging the information they were provided by the cheating gym to support their athlete competing is fake.

That's the kind of BS I'm talking about. So USASF get off your pedestal and join the rest of us down here.

That is horrible! That is the type of thing that needs to be called out publicly! No one wants their kids involved in a program that does that!! And no honest gyms should waste their time and money going to comps that don't enforce their own rules!!

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
UNTIL we separate the non profit USASF from the major profit seeker that are so intertwined....this will remain unethical and inappropriate!
The problem is for years they have said they can not do it because they can not afford to. However that "excuse" only came up when people started truly questioning how close they really were. When they could no longer spin it they way they wanted.

They would of gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that Daggone Social Media.;) (in my best villain who just got caught voice on the Scooby Doo show...rofl)
Interesting info on non profit rules....someone help me with this....does this apply to our sport????

If an organization is to qualify for tax exempt status, the organization's (a) charter — if a not-for-profit corporation — or (b) trust instrument — if a trust — or (c) articles of association — if an association — must specify that no part of its assets shall benefit any of persons who are members, directors, officers or agents (its principals). As well the organization must have a legal, charitable purpose, i.e. the organization must be created to support educational, religious, or charitable activities. These elements do not mean that the organization cannot pay employees or contractors for work or services they render to the organization. This limitation means that as long as the organization operates within its exempt purposes and it maintains an endowment or uses any excess revenue to further develop its activities it will not be taxed by the Internal Revenue Service.
Such a surplus — that is, whatever part of its income is left after its operating expenses are paid — which might be considered similar to "profit" — must be spent on the charitable or public purpose(s) for which it was organized, not paid as a dividend or benefit to anyone associated with running or organizing it.