Trying to get some insight from other coaches, parents, cheerleaders. I took my Level 2 small senior team to 3 competitions over the last two months. In our pyramid, we do a double braced release move.
At the first competition, American Cheer Power, We did our double braced release move back to sponge and then popped it back up for our lib. NO LEGALITY! FIRST PLACE!
At the second competition, Jam BRANDS, we received a LEGALITY in which they said that we must release and land in cradle or to the floor (performance surface). Concerned, I change my release move to catch in a cradle! We received fifth place. Our raw score was in first by an entire point.
At the third competition, Cheer LTD, We did our release move to cradle and were SURE that we would take first place. LEGALITY! This legality judge said that there are NO RELEASE MOVES allowed in Level 2. Our kids took second place, who also would have been in first.
One of the legality judges literally told me that it was "HIS" Interpretation. This just sounds completely unprofessional and opinionated. I then watched Stingray Large Junior 2 video from a few weekends ago where they release and land in cradle... THEY WON GRAND CHAMPION! (incredible team)