Wow....As a mommy of 3 retired Allstar Cheerleaders, I haven't been on the board as much as I have in months past and I have to say this thread was tintilating as well as heartbreaking at times. Couple of thoughts here that are rumbling through my brain....
A child that doesn't progress with cheerleading skills yearly is certainly NOT necessarily a child that lacks the drive, determination & passion for it. That coming from a mother that had a kid like that and yes we have done the year in-year out weekly privates, tumbling classes, speciality coaching, camps and a total gym rat!
Each parent is going to reason how, where and what they spend their money on. To be honest, if you are funneling your $$$ into your Allstar for a college scholarship, you might wanna take the $$$ and save it. Also, if I want to pay Allstar rates for social opps, its mine to JMO.
It is a sad cheer society if we define our kid's success rate in AllStars if they attain level 5 teams and skills. I personally define my kids success rate in AllStars on how they handled the wins, the losses, the dissappointments & the emotional highs! After all, in life is he or she going to be doing level 5 skills in the workplace? the marriage? or the parenting futures of their lives?...more than likely not, BUT the other character traits gained in cheer, they WILL!
Lastly, cheer, the judging of their routines and even the judging of where each child should be is pretty much subjective and certainly NOT forgiving to kids that don't progress quickly. It IS a part of life and this sport though. How we handle these things as parents and coaches helps to determine their successfulness.
I close with the echoing memories of my Allstar kids....I realize I am JUST A mommy..but I think each of them are successful!
- Cheer daughter #1 cheered 7 years, started on a L5, ended on L5, 4 trips to Worlds, no medals, but lots of memories, cheered 1 yr in college and has recently realized that it is time to move on in life with school & career goals.
- Cheer son #1 cheered 6 years, started on a L4, ended on L5 with a 2 Worlds medals in his pocket, finished 1st year of college and is going to be coaching 2 Allstar teams this year while attending college.
- Cheer daughter #2 cheered 8 years, started on a Mini 1, ended on a SO5, no trips to Worlds other than to watch her brother and sister, stated a month ago, that she will always be a good cheerleader, but prob not a GREAT one. She retired from cheer this year and is playing Jr Olympic National VB currently.