Also I'd like to add something if I may....I actually believe in the CEA way and in the immediate future and beyond foresee my daughter progressing all the way eventually (based on their philosophy and quality of instruction), so I was speaking hypothetically w/regards to my daughter. Do I think she'll progress slower? In some things yes, in some things no bc as mentioned, every kid progresses differently..they all have their individual strengths and weaknesses. However, based on the top notch instruction she's receiving and watching how much she's progressed just within this past year, I'm literally like "WOW"! I'm excited for her future in all-star. As long as she wants to do it, so she shall. I don't anticipate her not progressing based on the CEA way. If she stagnates at any point (for a lengthy period of time, not just a "mental block"), I suspect it will be bc she doesn't have the passion, dedication, drive, or commitment to want to continue in the sport (which is why I would pull her out), but I know it won't be due to lack of quality instruction. Kids often rise to the occasion when people believe in them, set high goals and standards for them, they have a supportive and nurturing environment, and they have quality instruction, regardless if we're talking about sports or academics.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone bc they differ w/my opinion. I understand what many of you are trying to say and I think you're under the impression that I'm knocking lower level teams or athletes who progress slower...that's not the case at all. I'm glad that you are giving your children this opportunity bc unfortunately this is an expensive sport and I wish more people could participate. It's just my personal opinion from what I've seen w/people in general...Sure, there are def cases where kids have a genuine passion for the sport and won't progress past a lower level for whatever reason, I just think they are the exception rather than the rule. I think most kids who take this sport seriously, really love it, etc. can and will make genuine progression (I think the ones who don't probably have something else going on and it might benefit them to explore other alternatives) They may not ever have a standing full, but be excellent bases, dancers, flyers, etc. (or be level 5), but I genuinely believe they'd surpass a level 2 (with maybe the exception of a HS student starting all star for the first time w/no cheer background at all). If you can afford it, you do see your child make progression (even if it's sharper motions or jumps), and most importantly, your child loves it, then great! I'm not going to judge you or take that away from you. I just believe in a different philosophy with regards to cheer than some of you.