I stand by my original post. There were 3 level 5 teams from same gym and some marked more than others. I'm used to parts of routines being marked even in large "major" competitions. I understand the reasons for marking and sure, everyones not "privy" to coaches decisions. However, appearances were that this competition didn't mean anything to you. As some said, we paid and didn't want to throw away the entry fee, so "we put it on the floor", "got a look at choreo" etc., basically a choice was made to practice at a competition. Granted some of the local competitions right before nationals are just that, practice. While in the stands, watching a parent from UA sitting near us, try to explain to an elderly couple (I assume grandparents) that they weren't doing the "real" performance and then shake their heads, not looking too happy.
Also, while local competitions may not be that important to all of us. For some smaller less known gyms it is, it's like their Nationals. Those performances also gave the appearance of thumbing noses at "their" competition and our sport. Of course, you're not under any obligation to entertain the masses. UA has awesome athletes and a very well known gym that MANY athletes and smaller gyms look up to and aspire to. Yesterday their coaches chose to forget that.