All-Star Is It Ok To Mark An Entire Routine In Competition?

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alright so i decided i shall add in my 2 cents on the matter, last season my team was having difficulties getting ready for our first competition of the year (bit of a different story but still) our routine had constantly been having issues with timing people quitting and placements as well as how we were able to hit certain skills our whole team wanted to just forget about the competition because we felt we were not ready as a group to perform but considering we'd already paid the fees and travel expenses to compete in ohio our coaches decided not to cancel we went and performed and our routine was a mess to say the least but our coaches couldnt be happier we tried as hard as we could to put our routine out there for people to see so we could get feedback from judges on what to fix and how to clean it up before any of the other teams in ontario that would be in our division (competition was in october first one in our area was late november) this gave us that boost we needed to compete all the new girls to the gym got the feel for the crowd we got a feel as to what it would be like to compete together, and honestly i have never been happier with how things went i think competitons that have no pressure on them by the coaches to do well only end up helping the team in the long run yeah it sucks to pay to go to a competition and not see your child run full completely but this gives them a chance to feel better about the team and routine as a whole plus in this case i would much rather mark or be a mess at a competition that doesnt matter and save the 'game face' or whatever for when it counts
Maybe, combining the other performances where people were marking, it FELT like 50%-90% of the routine was marked. I know, for me personally, that after a competition, I tend to blend things I might have thought that it was a lot more of the routine because I was combining stuff together. I might have thought..I dunno, CEA had like 20 whip doubles because I was combining all of their teams into one big mental mess. I also find that people either remember the very beginning or the very end. 10 minutes after watching that video, my brain only remembered the confusion of seeing them mark stuff at the beginning, and that's what it held onto. I do that sometimes :P

But yeah, I find it awkward to watch somebody mark a routine at a competition. I know you might have already paid the comp fees, but you didn't pay the spectator/parking/food/beverage/etc fees, which could have been spared. I appreciate them not wanting to go crazy with a routine the week before a big comp, but I might have skipped putting something like this on the schedule in the first place knowing that we're NEVER as ready after a break as we'd all like to think lol. As a performer, I also know sometimes I don't put as much effort into a routine when I mark stuff. It's not intentional, but I'm not going through the whole performance and it unintentionally can suffer. What's done is done though..
The point of us going to this competition was to be able to get on the floor and do our routine to get all the kinks out, full out or not. Divinity (sr open 5) marked standing tumbling, did layouts to the front instead of fulls, and marked the second jumps to back. definitely not 50-90%. Dynasty marked what may have seemed like a lot but like a mom up there said, they had gotten numerous new kids on the team over break. I remember seeing at least 8 kids squatting during the dance in the back. I definitely would not have agreed with the coaches decision to go full out seeing as everyone stunt group changed at least once. Prodigy marked standing tumbling and jumps. I'm pretty sure that was it. Again, i know it has been said numerous times, but definitely not 50-90%. I know none of you parents would want your children going out on the floor without a stable stunt group and without the whole team being completely confident in what they were performing. Think about it from a parent/coaches perspective. ALSO, there was no way we could have gotten our money back and i know all of the teams decided what they were going to mark the practice before seeing as it was likely an injury would occur if all teams had gone full out.

ETA: It was expected that all teams would go full out but at the practice before the comp. some of the teams decided that doing so was not safe
UA has awesome athletes and a very well known gym that MANY athletes and smaller gyms look up to and aspire to. Yesterday their coaches chose to forget that.
I would hope that other coaches and smaller gyms would look up to our coaches decision to keep the athletes safe rather than please anyone thats not a part of our gym with a performance that could have hurt some.. but i guess it's just your opinion. sorry for disappointing you but all of us are very happy that we got to go out on the floor and work out what we felt needed to be worked on. But in the end, it's the athletes and paying parents happiness that matters. sorry.
i see where people can get mad about teams marking their routine during the competition (especially UA from what ive seen posted) but honestly people are taking it tooooo far. it was the first competition after 2 WEEKS of break and you wouldn't want any of your athletes going out there and possibly injuring themselves would you? no, you wouldn't. like everyone is saying we could not get our money back so we had to compete either way. if it was a HUGE competition that has many many many gyms going like at jamfest super nationals, WSF, or NCA then i would understand where people are coming from. it did have many teams but not tons and tons. it was the coaches/teams decision and if you don't like watching a team mark their routine during a competition either turn around and walk away or deal with it. there isn't anything you can do about it. that's the best advice i could give that i don't think has been given out so far.

other than that it was a great thread and if there was more opinions not pointing out specific gyms i think that would have made this thread better.
Also- where are all these new athletes coming from? Multiple posters said these teams just got quite a few new athletes..
Also- where are all these new athletes coming from? Multiple posters said these teams just got quite a few new athletes..
I believe a lot of them are girls that wanted to take the year off but then decided to come back. I know theres at least 2 girls from the same family that joined. also, they have a few crossovers i believe
Dare I say it, dare I call out another gyms name in this thread, I dare I dare...........FAMOUS.

They went to our south location, who wasn't at the competition on Sunday. The new athletes on Dynasty are mainly former athletes that took some time off and decided to come back.
All I can say about this thread is...

You keep doin' yo thang, UA.
I think this thread was meant less to call out any one particular team and instead talk about this in general. Watering down/marking routines for whatever reason.
In my opinion: It looks bad for the program. I've seen it done before at the U.S. Finals where teams who were just exhibition after Worlds gave ehh routines or were joking around. I understand that sometimes there are extenuating circumstances, but any time you perform, perform SOMETHING. Whether it's level 3 routine or a bunch of cartwheels. Honestly, I'd rather see that than a bunch of snapping
alright everybody, take a breather and stop posting nasty opinions. if you were upset that TWO teams marked SOME stuff.. go to indy and you will see everyone actually go full out...:)
Gah. Someone take me to indy.

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