And that is your opinion. I know these coaches have no intention on leaving. These dedicated coaches have been here since the "MAX EXODUS" you speak off. These coaches helped build a gym of 160 after that exodus to over 400+ athletes this season. These coaches love what they do and love their athletes. 1 bad apple doesn't ruin the rest. What these team coaches do professionally is top notch. This may not apply to all, but i know the "new" families that have joined the gym this season are proud of all the work the coaches and athletes have done thus far. Some may leave because of this and we wish them the best of luck if they choose to do so. But i know for a fact, this unfortunate event will not slow down the progress or successes of this gym, as some may think! As clearly stated previously, this has happened before unfortunately, yet the gym has recovered and conquered because of the instruction of the dedicated coaches. We are determined and committed to offer the best quality cheerleading in the state of Illinois possible.
This is the same gym, that raised over $10,000 for St. Judes Children Hospital. These same athletes and families helped raise money and walked around Soldier field in the rain and cold. No one commends the gym on that. Never a word about the success of the gym, or all the hard work the athletes and coaches are putting in- only the bad one person's decision was outside of the gym.