Well, since this has been resurrected....
My girlfriend and I celebrate our 1 yr anniversary on Monday! Her family lives out of state, so she's been around for all of my family gatherings- Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter (she went without me to my family's brunch while I had to work lol), Mother's Day, etc. All of the extended family now knows her, and loves us together:)
We are both choral singers, and have done a number of performances together in the last year, which my family always attends. We are members of a group that gets paid to sort of be the "nucleus" for large choral works performed at large venues. Last weekend, we sang in Carnegie Hall together, marking the one year anniversary of when we met- sitting next to each other in the dress rehearsal for Carnegie Hall. We were feeling nostalgic, and exceptionally squishy and lovey, as could be imagined lol. One of the choirs that was singing in our group was a high school choir from Nebraska. There was a girl from that choir sitting in the row in front of us, listening in on a conversation we were having with another girl from my group, who also met her fiancee in this choir last year lol. We were sharing stories of how we met and how happy we were, etc. This teenage Nebraskan gave the most conspicuously horrified look, right at us! Literally, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, like "EEEWWW LESBIANS".... Then, she scampered over to her friend in the next row and very obviously pointed us out to her. THEN, the other girl gave us the same look! I was like, really? You've never seen a lesbian before? lol... What am I gonna do, attack? The whole rest of the weekend of dress rehearsals and performance, we kept getting these stares and horrified glances from them. It's not like we were "doing it" right there lmao.... we were holding hands and talking, it was totally innocuous. My sister made a snide comment of sorts, relating to the fact that they dressed inappropriately for rehearsal. I knew the girl was within earshot. I couldn't resist, I responded with "They're from Nebraska, anything that isn't overalls is considered formal attire. I'm surprised they can even read." Now, was that a nice thing for an adult to say in referring to a minor? Probably not, but I couldn't resist, they were just so tactless! Anyway, it didn't bother me as much as it probably should have. I thought it was funny, more than anything, but then it got me thinking... how sad for them to go through life being so uneducated and so fearful of those who are different.
Anyhow, long story, sorry... My parents brought my 3 great aunts, who are 91, 93, and 97 to see us in Carnegie. They have all met my gf, had us over for dinner, and even given her money for Christmas. I have never actually come out to them, as I don't even know that they have a concept of what it means to be a homo. They have accepted her as whatever it is that they see us as...roommates? best friends? I honestly don't know.
What was cute, was at the end of the concert, we walk around to meet them in the lobby, and the 93 year old points to me and my sister and says to my gf "you're just like one of them." To me, that was everything. I don't know that they see us as a lesbian couple, but I do think that they accept her as a part of the family, and that's all that matters to me and to her, as well. :)