It's hard with the older generation. They can be very set in their ways, and very confused by how fast society has changed during their lifetime. One of my grandma's has known I'm a gaymo since I came out to my family, because my Mom told her that night lol. She has always been okay with it, and she is really awesome. She actually gave me her first edition copy of The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall (a lesbian author, perhaps the most famous historical piece of lesbian literature that exists, from the 1920s- highly recommend!). She said it's always been her favorite book, because she really could empathize with the struggles of the main character. She had surgery this past year and asked to borrow it while she was in the hospital, because she wanted to read it again. All in all, she's been very supportive, she invites me and my gf over for dinner and such, and before I had a girlfriend, she would always inquire about my dating life. I think she's the most kickbutt 85 year old on the planet, and not just because she told me "Wham Bam Thank You Maam" after I helped her put away the leftovers on Thanksgiving lol
The other grandma isn't quite so openminded. She is 90, and she thinks my girlfriend is my roommate lol.... I almost came out to her quite a few times, and last year was when I realized I probably couldn't. I mentioned that my friends and I had recently spent a nice time in NYC, and she said "I would never go there anymore, it has changed into a very scary place." I said, "Well, we were in the Village, it's a nice area." Her response, "The VILLAGE!? That's where all the QUEERS hang out.".... I wanted to say, "Yes, including your Grandqueer." but ultimately chickened out ;)